Stiri Michael Jackson 2007

Anticipand posibila critica din partea presei americane, Rev Al Sharpton, un sustinator al drepturilor sociale si un prieten bun a lui James Brown, l-a aparat de la inceput pe "King of Pop".

"I don't care what the media says tonight, James Brown wanted Michael Jackson with him here today," a spus acesta.

"He said . . . 'I love Michael'. He said: 'Tell him don't worry about coming home. They always scandalise those that have the talent. But tell him we need to clean up the music and I want Michael and all of them that imitated me to come back and lift the music back'."

When Michael Jackson entered the arena an hour into the service, there was a feeling of resurrection. Of careers, of solidarity, of a need to return to more uplifting lyrics.

Un barbat din public a spus la sfarsitul zilei: "I'm one of a few thousand to see the King of Pop and King of Soul together."


michael jackson

Sondaj nou :Mai sunteti interesati de Michael Jackson? LINK
Solistul de la Black Eyed Peas a anuntat ca lucreaza cu Michael la noul album care este programat sa apara in 2007.
michael jackson
Michael a mers la Brenden Theaters la cinematograful din Palm pt a vedea filmul cu Matt Damon CIA spy-thriller 'The Good Shepherd.Apoi s-a reintors a doua seara pt a urmari filmul lui Mel Gibson 'Apocalypto,' si chiar si-a platit propriul bilet. michael jackson


Rolul acestei carti este documentarea a cat mai multor cantece la realizarea carora Michael si-a adus aportul ca producator,cantaret,compozitor sau doar ca influenta.


Message from the King of Pop, to his fans

Paul Akinbanjo and Patricia Brown (of MJNO and MJJF) received separate phone calls from Michael Jackson tonight.

From Paul & Trish:

Michael wants to let everyone know how much he appreciates, and loves you all, and wanted to say that he's working on "wonderful new things", and that a lot of things are being put into place for his new company.

We let him know how excited everyone is, and how much you all love him.

In response to a comment Paul made about how everyone loves the pizza he sends down to fans waiting outside his hotels, Michael said, "Aww, I always feel so bad, they're standing out there like that. So I say, 'Let's get everyone pizza!'"

And to Trish, "Please tell the fans that I love them, and to hold on and not lose faith. I love them with all my heart."

Michael thanked us for doing what we do, and stated, "Thank you for keeping the legacy alive. Thank you from me and the family!"

We spoke with him for quite a while, each, but will not divulge the contents of those personal conversations.

Michael apologises for what happened with the MJWMA Fan Party, but we ask that you please not ask about that at this time, as this is an issue in the process of finally being resolved.

When my phone rang last night and I answered it, I immediately knew it was him. After I said Hello, he said, "Hello, hi, how are you??"

(IMG: style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif ) (IMG: style_emoticons/default/blink.gif )

For a split second, I said to myself:
Trish: Well, hi Michael! I'm fine, How are you?

Michael: Hey! How did you know it was me? (Michael laughs at this point)

Trish: Ah, I'd know your voice anywhere!

Michael: Really? Wow, you sound so nice! We've talked before, right?

Trish: Yep, quite sometime ago.... (IMG: style_emoticons/default/smile.gif )

Then Michael just started talking and I listened. He asked for my opinion on certain issues and I gave it. He asked about one of his most loved possessions ... his fans! I told him what was up with the communities, and how he's absolutely loved and adored. We talked about the MJWMA party and he was very, very concerned , and he talked a bit about the future. He asked me for Paul's number as well. We talked about Will.I.Am and the message Will taped for MJJForum and Michael was excited about it! He said Will is a lovely person and we talked about digital downloads and the independent music market. There's sooo much more! LOL! We talked a good 20 minutes!

The call was not like an official call. More of a friend calling a friend! Very casual, very personable. He sounds very strong! He sounds great! And for the ladies..


(IMG: style_emoticons/default/doctor.gif )

He told me that he would keep in contact and he thanked me for all that I've done. He thanked the fans and he said he loves us from the bottom of his heart. We talked a bit more and then he said, "Bye Bye and God Bless You.."

When I said my goodbye... I hung up the phone and SCREAMED! (IMG: style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif ) (IMG: style_emoticons/default/wild.gif )

I told Paul to expect a call (we were on Yahoo chat) and then he called Paul.


Spectacol Disney

Starurile de la High School Musical,unul dintre cele mai de succes productii Disney din ulta vreme,dau acum spectacole in SUA si au avut parte de o surpriza extrem de placuta in Las Vegas duminica.

Nu doar ca Michael a intampinat actorii dar a rams sa vada reprezentatia.

"Este mai inalt decat m=am asteptat,vorbeste foarte molcom,dulce si a purtat ochelarii de soare caracteristici",au declarat membrii trupei.

Michael Jackson si cei trei copiii ai sai au fost foarte incantati de spectacol.

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michael jackson

<-Click pe imagine pentru a o mari->

O noua melodie "No friend of mine" de pe albumul lui Pras, un duet cu Michael Jackson

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Michael ar vrea sa spuna "hello" tuturor fanilor sai loiali.

Tocmai a sosit in Tokyo, Japan, azi.

Michael ii invita pe toti fanii sai sa participe pe 9 martie la"Fan Appreciation Day" eveniment organizat in Tokyo, Japan, si sa participe la primul "Michael Jackson Fan Art Contest".

Sunt acceptate lucrari de toate felurile:picturi in ulei,culori acrilice , tempera, sclupturi, colaje, grafica pe calculator, fotografii,etc.Toate lucrarile vor fi examinate de Michael care va stabilii castigatorii pe baza creativitatii,designului si meritelor artistice valorificate in operele lor de arta.

Primii trei clasati vor avea posibilitatea sa il cunoasca pe Michael si sa ia masa cu el.

Toate lucrarile depuse vor deveni propietate a "The Michael Jackson Company".

Lucrarile fanilor vor fi afisate pe noul site a lui Michael, care va fi lansat in curand.

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Petrecerea din Japonia

Michael a fost oaspetele de onoare la o petrecere cu 400 de invitati din Tokyo .

La eveniment,starul Mj a dat mana si a facut cunostiinta cu cei peste 400 de inivitati.

Pe parcursul petrecerei a stat la o masa aproape de inivitati.

A declarat ca intarzierea de la incep nu a fost de o ora si a sfarsit prin a sta 7 ore impreuna cu cei prezenti la eveniment.

S-a simtit bine si raspunsul invitatiilor a fost la fel de pozitiv.

Sambata Michael Jackson va aparea la tabara Zama.Este asteptat sa se adreseze fanilor,sa semneze autografe,sa faca poze si sa se intalneasca cu soldatii si familile lor.

"Vrea ca ei sa stie" ca America ii sustine "la fel ca si el" a spus maiorul Martha Brooks un purtator al armatei americane in Japonia.


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ZAMA CAMP-10 martie

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THE PARTY -8 martie

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michael jackson

michael la camp zama

Michael Jackson a salutat mii de soldati americani la o baza militara din Tokio sambata.

Deasemenea a fost prezent la ceremonia de decorare a unui tanar soldat caruia i-a inmanat medalia.

Michael va pleca in curand spre Londra unde va sta cateva zile.





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Aeroport Tokio

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Aeroport London

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Stella's Column
March 13, 2007


My brilliant sister Jamie Foster Brown, publisher of Sister2Sister magazine, was the sole press person traveling in Tokyo with pop star Michael Jackson and his entourage -- which included his mother, Katharine Jackson, and his three children, Paris, Prince and Blanket.
Jamie, who like me hails from Englewood on the South Side, called this reporter from Japan and had this to say:

"It has been amazing to see how people will risk life and limb darting in and out of traffic on foot to get a glimpse of Michael or to touch him. The fans in Japan literally inhale him," Jamie said. "He is very accommodating ... very happy, kissing and hugging folks and letting them hold him and hug him."

"The $3,500 per person 'Fan Appreciation' event brought out close to 400 folks, most of whom were corporate people with their children, and Michael took pictures with all of them," said Jamie. "The drinks were free and the buffet dinner consisted of shrimp, chicken, beef, fish, veggies and a 12-foot long table full of Japanese desserts.

"Complimentary tickets were provided to orphans, handicapped and physically challenged people. Michael went into the balcony to greet them all.

"The following day, there was another fan appreciation event that was $150 per person that brought out around 1,000. Fans are even spending $500 or more a night just to be in the Four Seasons Hotel where he is staying," Jamie said.

On a fashion note, "Michael has been wearing Roberto Cavalli tailoredsuits," she said.
I asked about his kids and, according to Jamie, Michael is a very attentive dad and she is finding the kids to be very well-mannered. And when they are in public, he still covers their faces.

Michael in LA. Interviu T.Mesereau-2007

Host: And now, our honored guest at our show, Tom Mesereau. Welcome to our show, Tom.

Mesereau: Well thank you very much. Pleasure to be here.

Host: Tom is one of America's most celebrated criminal defense attorneys. He handles civil cases too, don't you?

Mesereau: Yes.


Host: Do you, when you address a jury, do you tell them it is their responsibility to uphold the constitution? To rise above the media circus that may surround a trial?

Mesereau: Well, I do that in different ways. First of all, if it's a case like Michael Jackson, when you're questioning potential jurors early in the case, I kept mentioning problems with the media. Did they read newspapers like the National Enquirer? Did they read particular magazines? Did they watch particular shows?

Host: Almost everybody has though.

Mesereau: And I also ask them, I almost challenge them, "can you rise above what you've read, and look at the evidence and follow the law?" And I kept emphasizing that and they did it.

Host: Do you expect a person to tell you the truth when you ask that question?

Mesereau: Some of my colleagues think I'm a little naive. I think most people who want to be on juries really want to independently and intelligently and courageously do what's right.


Host: And the Michael Jackson case in particular. How many jurors did you actually go through to pick that jury?

Mesereau: It was picked very quickly. Most people thought we'd spend a month trying to pick a jury, and it was almost picked in a day or two.

Host: Yeah.

Mesereau: The judge did severely limit the time we had to question potential jurors to 20 minutes per person. And I had to be very focused and very clear and quick on what the principle questions I was going to ask were. And I emphasized problems with the media, problems with not judging someone before they've had their day in court.

Host: Right.

Mesereau: I asked about children lying. I asked about the possibility of parents asking their children to lie, or influencing them to lie. I very quickly got to the core of what I felt was important.

Host: Do you find, and speaking of children lying or maybe having their memory let's say, "massaged" by an adult like their parent. Do you find that a lot of kids automatically tell the truth, or what do you usually find, generally?

Mesereau: I find both. You know, children are very spontaneous. But children can be influenced to do what's right, or what's wrong, depending on who's influencing them.

Host: Right.

Mesereau: And in this particular case, we sought to prove that there was a history of these children lying at the request, or under the influence of both parents. And, I think we proved it pretty convincingly.

Host: Is there a time in a trial, when you hear evidence where you know, kids have been influenced by the parents; there's been let's say, improper activity by the prosecution. Is there a time when the judge says, "I've had enough of this?"

Mesereau: Rarely.

Host: Rarely?

Mesereau: Rarely. I think judges like to let jurors decide. They believe in our jury system. It's rare that a judge just kicks a case out of court, although I have had it happen. It wasn't a case involving children; it was a securities fraud case. And after eleven weeks, a judge, a very experienced judge looked at me and said, "I've never done this before, but I'm throwing this case out. I'm not letting it get to the jury in the interest of justice." But rarely does that happen.

Host: Right.


Host: You rely on your preparation, a lot of investigators, correct?

Mesereau: Absolutely. Investigation is key, particularly in a criminal case where the state, or the federal government, is throwing legions of resources against you.

Host: And you had, in the Michael Jackson case, you had legions of resources thrown against Michael Jackson. Didn't you?

Mesereau: I've never seen anything like it. One of the many raids on his residence involved over 70 sheriffs.

Host: Mmm hmm.

Mesereau: And I'm amused by the fact that the prosecutor is now saying we out-spent them which is utterly ridiculous.

Host: (Laughs) It's the taxpayers money.

Mesereau: Well, I had a couple of investigators, they had probably over 100. It wasn't even close.

Host: Yeah.

Host: Is there something inside a trial, like when you're dealing with Michael Jackson or any of the cases, there is always something the public never hears about. That you can talk about afterwards. What is -- what are some of those facts?

Mesereau: Well, there are many things in that case. I could talk forever about things that happened--

Host: Just say, just a few of them.

Mesereau: Well, I think, the problem of constantly having to fend off mediocrities, star-struck wannabes, lawyers who would say or do anything to get involved in the case because they wanted the press, they wanted to be on stage, to constantly be fending these people off while you were doing your own preparation, and while you were trying to fight the other side, was a major distraction and a major difficulty in the case.

Host: Mmm hmm.

Mesereau: I was constantly dealing with it. I didn't want to, I wanted to just focus on beating the prosecution. But, I kept hearing about lawyers trying to get involved, lawyers showing up in court saying they were involved and I would--

Host: How would they be involved?

Mesereau: Because somehow they would get to somebody who knew Michael Jackson, and try and convince them that they belonged in the case. That they had the strategy that would get it dismissed. It was ridiculous but they kept showing up.


Host: Cross-examination. When you cross-examine someone, what techniques do you use, to effectively dismantle their testimony?

Mesereau: It depends on the witness and it depends on the issues.

Host: Going back to the Michael Jackson case.

Mesereau: Yes.

Host: Their star witness?

Mesereau: Well, they had a number of so-called star witnesses. Particularly, in this family of accusers. There was the young accuser who was claiming he was molested. And you have to be very careful with a child witness; that you don't look like a bully.

Host: Right.

Mesereau: And that you don't generate sympathy for that child witness. In this particular case I went against the grain. I thought that this young man was matured way beyond his years, I thought he was enjoying being on stage -- he had done acting training, and I thought that he was far more seasoned than he wanted the jury to think.

Host: Mmm hmm.

Mesereau: And I went after him right away, I took some risks, I got very aggressive. I wanted to show the other side of him, and I think I was effective at doing that. I think he changed his demeanor very quickly when he was attacked. I think he didn't know what to say about another case where I felt we proved lies had been told at the behest of the parents.

Host: You're talking about the J.C. Penney case?

Mesereau: That's correct. That's correct. That was a case where I think we proved that this family had made claims against J.C. Penney guards for sexual harassment and for assault that were not true. And I decided to just go right after this kid. Now, his sister and his brother testified, I didn't go after them as hard and as quickly as I did this accuser, but I did show a lot of inconsistencies and problems with their testimony. And what was interesting is, everyone in this family said they had never discussed the case with each other, which I think right away made the jury wonder, "are they telling the truth?"

Host: Yeah, and they're living under the same roof.

Mesereau: That is correct.

Host: Celebrity justice. A lot of people say that rich people can have a different sort of system, you know, they can buy what they want, the outcome. Is that true?

Mesereau: It is absolutely untrue. Celebrities have resources thrown at them that nobody else faces.

Host: Mmm hmm.

Mesereau: In the Robert Blake case, this was the largest investigation in the history of Los Angeles county. Even larger than the O.J. Simpson case.

Host: Okay.

Mesereau: Hundreds of thousands of documents, police going all over the country, interviewing almost anyone they could find associated with Mr. Blake.

Host: Why is that? Because they want to win?

Mesereau: Because they want to win, it's high profile, everybody wants to win before the public. And, in Michael Jackson, I've never seen anything like it.

Host: Yeah.

Mesereau: You had two grand juries in the early 90's, the grand jury in our case; you had a prosecutor himself personally flying out of the country to at least two countries that I know of, Australia and Canada, looking for witnesses. You had a website at the Sherriff's department looking for witnesses.

Host: Mmm hmm.

Mesereau: More resources were thrown at Michael Jackson than any serial killer I've ever heard of.

Host: What about the lawyers, sometimes, who get involved with these celebrity cases? Sometimes they rise above the actual client in terms of getting media spin on them, right?

Mesereau: Well first of all, you're dealing with a celebrity that comes from a different world.

Host: Okay.

Mesereau: And celebrities, they're familiar with the world of entertainment, television, the camera, the studio. This is a totally different world from the court room.

Host: Mmm hmm.

Mesereau: What happens in court rooms is so different, but they don't know that. With all of the TV shows about trials and about the legal system, they assume that they're interchangeable. They're really not. And what happens in court rooms is so different; you have to let the client know that "you don't know this world. You may think you do but you don't. You have to listen to my direction. You have to trust that I know the system I'm working in." And, it's very difficult sometimes to get celebrity clients to realize that they don't control the situation the way they'd like to be able to, and the way they're used to.

Host: Yeah. A good example of that; before I think you came into the Michael Jackson case, he was dancing on the top of a van, correct?

Mesereau: Well, yes. Before I came--

Host: And what kind of conversation did you have with him to say, "you can't do this?"

Mesereau: Well, I don't want to go into conversations with the client, but I will say this. I was appalled at the public relations that preceded me in Jackson.

Host: Yes.

Mesereau: There had been a big party at Neverland, for the media. That was the first day he appeared in court. He had appeared late. He got on top of an SUV. The press covered a big meeting at the Beverley Hills hotel of his legal and financial staff that I thought was, you know, highly inappropriate. And I just did not like the way everybody seemed to be profiting at his expense to try and be stars themselves.

Host: Right.

Mesereau: I tried to tone everything down. I supported the judge's gag order. I didn't want cameras in the courtroom. I supported court sealing of salacious pleadings so the media wouldn't start reading court papers and having a field day.

Host: Right.

Mesereau: I really felt that there were 13 people that were primarily important. The judge and 12 jurors. They were far more important than the worldwide media, far more important than the television cameras and the reporters. They were the ones you were going to win or lose with, nobody else.


Mesereau: ...In the Michael Jackson case, I said "keep cameras out. I think it's going to affect everybody in a possibly negative way." I didn't want witnesses turning on TV and seeing what other witnesses had said before they came to testify. And I just felt that this case called for subduing the publicity as opposed to encouraging it. So it really depends on the case, but I am concerned with cameras, how it's affecting people.

Host: Being involved in a number of celebrity cases, how do you keep grounded so that, you know, the celebrity-ness doesn't overtake you?

Mesereau: You know, it's almost like an athletic event. You know, you've got an opponent on the other side. You personally don't hate that opponent but you set yourself up in a way to demonize them temporarily while you try to win.

Host: Okay.

Mesereau: In the Jackson case, every day I woke up and said to myself, "the media is against you. They're trying to distort what's going on in the courtroom. They want to see a conviction because it'll mean more stories, you know, more salacious movies and shows about the rise and fall of Michael Jackson."

Host: Right.

Mesereau: And I really took the attitude, "they're not your friends. They're not really out there to help you. Avoid them. They're trying to corrupt you." They would scream at me to try and get a reaction, hoping I'd wave and smile and do something that focuses the attention on myself. And, I tried my best to avoid that. I didn't want the lawyers around me waving or looking like they were having a good time. We meant business.

Host: Mmm hmm.

Mesereau: I must say, my two co-partners, Susan Yu and Bob Sanger had the same attitude. We got out of our cars, we didn't wave at anybody; we meant business.


Mesereau: ...After the Jackson verdict, I was deluged with hundreds of calls every day, letters coming in every day, people were sending me boxes of files. I can't get to all these things, I just do my best.

Host: Well you're doing a remarkable thing.

michael jackson'

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michael jackson


Music megastar, Michael Jackson, is finishing up his long-awaited album and will soon begin tour rehearsals has confirmed by Jackson's Manager/Publicist, Raymone K. Bain.

"Mr. Jackson is in the studio finishing up the music; then, he will begin (tour) rehearsals. There are no dates yet," Bain confirms to in an e-mail to MJI staff reporter, Aaron Barrow on April 02. Despite rumors and speculation, we have confirmed that Michael Jackson will tour the World once again!

Jackson's album is rumored to feature production from Will.I.Am, Teddy Riley and Rodney Jerkins. This will be the first time Jackson has collaborated with Will.I.Am of the multi-platinum selling group, Black Eyed Peas. Teddy Riley co-wrote and co-produced Jackson's 1992 hit, "Remember The Time" (U.S. #3, U.K. #3) along with songs from Jackson's albums "Dangerous", "Blood On The Dancefloor: HIStory In The Mix", and "Invincible". Producer Rodney Jerkins worked with Jackson on his album "Invincible" including the 2001 hit single, "You Rock My World" (U.S. #10, U.K. #2).






Un judecator a stabilit pentru 18 iunie 2007 data de incepere a procesului intentat de o firma financiara din New Jersey lui Michael.Acestia pretind ca le este dator cu 48 de milioane de dolari.

Se pare ca aceasta saptamana a fost saptamana farselor.Un DJ a facut o "gluma" in timpul unei emisiuni cum ca Michael a murit ceea ce a adus toata furia ascultatorilor asupra lui.Deasemenea alt tip l-a sunat pe Michael si a pretins ca este Akon.In acest fel a incercat sa obtina informatii asupra noului album a lui Michael.Michael a fost insa foarte istet, s-a prins de minciuna si a incheiat cu multa eleganta convorbirea.Totusi trebuie sa spunem ca acesti oameni NU SUNT NORMALI:-/

Geragos, Harris si Jackson l-au dat in judecata pe Borer si XtraJet in Noiembrie 2003 pentru incalcarea intimitatii. Jackson s-a retras in Aprilie 2005.

Brian J. Kabateck, avocatul lui Geragos si Harris, a cerut lui Brugera,judecatorul cazului, sa le mai dea inca $2 milioane daune.

Chris Tucker si Michael au fost de curand in Las Vegas sa vada un concert a lui Prince.


michael jackson

La multi ani Paris!

michael jackson


Off the record

Titlul pentru albumul in lucru a lui MJ este 7EVEN, si se pare ca acest titlu este posibil sa ramana pentru ca a inceput lucrul si la coperta albumului.

Primul single ar putea fi lansat in septembrie ,iar albumul prin noiembrie.

In privinta colaboratorilor lui Michael de pe acest album ii putem numi pe Teddy Riley, Rodney Jerkins,, Neff-U, Big Chuck, Sean Garret, Akon, John Legend, Ne-Yo si OneRepublic.Dar din materialele inregistrate probabil ca doar 2-3 se vor regasi pe album.


Michael a mers saptamana trecuta la un cinematograf din apropierea resedintei lui pentru a vedea Spider Man 3.

CNN 2005

Cel mai mare trust de media care a denaturat complet adevarul in timpul procesului din 2005 este cu siguranta CNN.In timp ce reporterul lor anunta verdictul "NEVINOVAT" , acesta avea scris pe promter, ceea ce se pregatise dinainte, si anume "cantaretul Michael Jackson gasit vinovat la toate capetele de acuzare"..


michael jackson

Casa de licitatii care doreste sa vanda lucrurile lui Michael jackson -lucruri care se pare ca au fost obtinute ilegal de Henry Vaccaro - a primit o citatie pentru tribunal cu data de maine.

Alti membri ai familie Jackson -excluzandandu-i pe Michael si sora sa Janet ,au fost implicati acum cativa ani intr-o afacere care a dat faliment.O parte din lucrurile acestora au ramas intr-un depozit care a apartinut afacerii.

Vaccaro s-a numarat printre creditorii fratiilor Jackson care au fost subiectul capitolului 7 din actul de falimentare.Totusi Vaccaro nu a fost si nu este nici in prezent un creditor al megastarului.

Judecatorul care s-a ocupat in trecut de caz i-a permis lui Vaccaro sa vanda din lucruri -dar numai acelea a persoanelor implicate in afacere.

Dar acesta a vandut desigur toate lucrurile -printre care se numarau si obiecte ale lui Michael-care au ajuns astazi la o casa de licitatii care intentioneaza sa faca ce stie ea mai bine-sa le puna in vanzare la sfarsitul acestei luni.

In situatia de fata lui Michael Jackson nu ii ramane decat sa incerce sa-si obtina lucrurile inapoi maine.

Oricum se pare ca Michael nu va fi prezent in tribunal.

Michael in Londra

Michael Jackson a facut o vizita surpiza in Marea Britanie.Se pare ca acesta a venit sa se intalneasca cu cativa directori de la casele de discuri si sa participe la petrecerea printului din Brunei.

michael jackson michael jackson
**odata ce salvati pozele puteti sa le vedeti la adevarata lor dimensiune

Mesaj de la Michael

"Please tell all the fans that I love them so so much and that I appreciate everything you all ever do for me. You are all so thoughtful and kind and
sweet. Thank you so so much for everything. I love you all and im very
excited about the future. I'm working on a lot of different projects musically and in films. There is a lot coming up in the future and I'm very excited about it all. Thank you for your loyalty and support. My fans are the reason why I live and if it wasn't for you all I would have thrown in the towel by now. Please know how much I appreciate u all, I love u all so much.

Take care, love Michael "

Michael Jackson si Universal Express

Michael Jackson si Universal Express sunt incantati sa anunte ca au ajuns la o intelegere in privinta licitatiei care se v-a desfasura la Las vegas luna aceasta.

"Domnul Jackson este multumit de rezultat mai ales ca o parte din castiguri vor fi donate unor organizatii caritabile",a spus purtatoarea de cuvant a lui Michael.

Printre obiectele din colectie:

"A sketch of a young boy's profile with what was described in the listing as "soft, cascading curls and delicate features."

It was titled "boy," dated 1994 and signed "Michael Jackson" in what appeared to be his signature flourishing cursive.

The most personal item appeared to be No. 771. The listings described it as handwritten notes on lined yellow paper that were penned by Jackson "during a difficult period in his personal life. They make reference to monetary, spousal and child support figures and he writes, 'I'm hurting inside' at the bottom."

A spiral notebook that belonged to Jackson is "filled with personal notes, signatures and ink line drawing" that represent Jackson's private side, according to the listings.

Janet Jackson would undoubtedly find Item No. 817 highly personal.

It is a certified copy of the marriage certificate of her Sept. 7, 1984, wedding in Grand Rapids, Mich., to singer James Curtis DeBarge. Both parties denied that marriage for years. A friend of Janet's, in a handwritten note dated Sept. 11, 1984, discusses the wedding.

There are copies of Michael Jackson's $30 million purchase in 1988 of Sycamore Valley Ranch near Los Olivas, Calif. He renamed it Neverland Ranch.

Another item is a single sheet of white paper with the MJJ Productions logo and a typewritten note to Tito Jackson, reading "Dear Tito, a kind expression at the right moment is like soothing oil to one's skin. Your honesty was very moving on the phone today. Love MJ" The "MJ" is in red felt-tipped pen.

For pure sentimental value, it's hard to imagine that Jackson would part with Item No. 853.

"This Western Union telegram," according to the listing, "is dated 07/06/84 and reads: 'Dear Michael, Thinking about you this evening please try not to make an ass of yourself and please for God's sake don't fall in the orchestra pit, Marlon.'" The return address in Beverly Hills was Marlon Brando's home. "

Petrecerea unui print arab


michael jackson

michael jackson

michael jackson

Michael a obtinut ceea ce a dorit in final-licitatia nu a avut un succes rasunator.Ce?Nu s-au strans milionae de dolari-probabil ca organizatorii sunt foarte suparati.Dar acestia s-au inselat amarnic daca au crezut ca fanii lui Michael vor cheltui atatia bani ca sa cumpere respectivele obiecte cand am stiut cu totii ca Michael a fost impotriva acestei vanzari frauduloase.In plus multe obiecte au fost greu de autentificat,deci nu se puteau obtine preturi prea bune pe ele.

Iata cateva dintre obiectele vandute:

michael jackson

19: The Jacksons' "We Are The World" Awards, 1985 - $17,000.00
9: USA For Africa MTV Video Music Award, 1985 - $16,000.00
23: "Thriller" Award Presented to Janet Jackson - $15,000.00
261: Michael Jackson Signed Charlie Chaplin Drawing - $14,000.00
20: Off The Wall Gold Record to Michael Jackson - $11,000.00
35: The Jackson 5's Motown "I Want You Back" Award - $11,000.00
97: Jacksons NAACP Award, 1984 - $11,000.00
89: Jacksons "Walk of Fame" Star Collection - $9,500.00
242: Michael Jackson Signed Drawings - $8,500.00
21: The Jacksons "Victory" Platinum Award, 1984 - $8,000.00
241: Scooby-Doo Artwork Inscribed to Michael - $8,000.00
17: Janet Jackson "Control" and "Rhythm Nation" Awards - $7,500.00
255: Original Artwork Featuring Michael Jackson, 1983 - $7,500.00
32: Michael Jackson Gold Award, 1987 - $6,000.00
81: "We Are the World" Awards - $5,500.00
65: Destiny RIAA Certified Platinum Awards - $5,000.00
64: Jacksons "Triumph" RIAA Certified Platinum Award - $4,750.00
29: The Jacksons "Victory" Multi-Platinum Award - $4,500.00
301: Michael Jackson Stage Worn Jacket and Cummerbund, - $4,500.00
26: The Jacksons "Live" Platinum Award, 1981 - $4,250.00
60: Jacksons Platinum Sales Award, 1984 - $4,000.00
245: Michael Jackson's Mickey Mouse Drawing - $3,750.00
110: USA For Africa Plaques, 1985 - $3,500.00
31: The Jacksons "Victory" Gold Record, Switzerland - $3,250.00
92: Candy Girl" Award Presented to MJ, 1983 - $2,500.00
122: Jackson 5 Touring Trunk Set - $2,250.00
175: Michael Jackson Stage Photo Collections - $2,250.00
238: Original Jackson Family Portrait, 1984 - $2,250.00
303: Jacksons "Victory Tour" Costume, 1984 - $2,250.00
27: Shake Your Body and "Destiny" Awards, 1978 - $2,000.00
61: Randy Jackson Platinum Sales Award, 1974 - $2,000.00
66: Record Sales Award Michael Jackson, 1984 - $2,000.00
28: Janet & Michael Jackson Laminated Billboard Awards - $1,900.00
54: Jacksons Platinum Sales Award 1976 - $1,700.00
48: Rock With You Awards, 1980 - $1,500.00
63: Record Sales Awards Presented to Tito Jackson - $1,400.00
170: Michael Jackson Signed Publicity Image Collection - $1,400.00
93: "Shake Your Body Down to the Ground" Gold Single - $1,300.00
197: Michael Jackson Autographed "Rock With You" Sheet - $1,300.00
270: Victory" Album Artwork, 1984 - $1,300.00
291: Janet Jackson Signed Contracts - $1,300.00
30: Tito's "The Jacksons" Gold Record, 1976 - $1,200.00
107: Jacksons Platinum Awards, c. 70s - $1,200.00
315: Michael Jackson Bad Era Red Shirt c. 1987 - $1,200.00
47: Michael Jackson's Key to the City of Pontiac, 1984 - $1,100.00
120: Michael Jackson's Upright Piano - $1,100.00
124: Jackson 5 Drum Set with Touring Case - $1,100.00
150: Quincy Jones Presentation to Michael Jackson, 1982 - $1,100.00
286: Janet Jackson Signed Management Contract - $1,100.00
304: Jacksons Stage Worn Arm Guards, 1981 - $1,100.00
71: Industry Award to Tito Jackson for "Victory" - $1,000.00
87: Michael Jackson Honorary Awards, c. 1970s - $1,000.00
308: Jackson's Custom Performance Wear, 1981 - $1,000.00
88: Joe Jackson "Control" RIAA Certified Platinum Award - $950.00
239: Michael's "Alien" Movie Sculpt Study, 1987 - $950.00
288: Signed Contracts and Fame-related Material - $900.00
34: "Rhythm Nation" Award Presented to Joe Jackson - $850.00
123: Michael Jackson Wireless Microphone - $850.00
274: La Toya Jackson Contract Signed by Michael, 1980 - $800.00
33: Jacksons' Key to the City of Fort Lauderdale - $750.00
50: Michael Jackson BRE Award, 1989 - $750.00
72: Industry Award to Joseph Jackson for "Victory" - $750.00
100: Michael Jackson Senate Resolution, c. 80s - $750.00
202: Jacksons Signed Headshot Collection - $750.00
240: E.T." Sculptural Prototype, 1982 - $750.00
275: Jermaine and Michael Signed Contract, 1995 - $750.00
46: Off the Wall Billboard Award, 1980 - $700.00
62: Platinum Sales Award to Joe Jackson, 1986 - $700.00
101: Jermaine Jackson Award, c. 70s - $700.00
214: Michael Jackson Autographed Photo - $700.00
10: Randy Jackson's "Enjoy Yourself" Gold Single, 1976 - $650.00
111A: Jackson Family Yamaha Organ Set - $650.00
113: Jackson 5 Ludwig Drum Set, c. 70s - $650.00
116: Michael Jackson's Microphone, c. 70s - $650.00
118: Randy Jackson White "Gon Bops" Conga Drum - $650.00
127: Jacksons' Touring Equipment with Anvil Case - $650.00
129: Michael Jackson and Bubbles Inscribed Image, c. 80 - $650.00
267: Michael Jackson's Norman Rockwell Print, 81 - $650.00
280: MJJ Productions Agreement with Jermaine, 1995 - $650.00
295: Janet Jackson's "Mae West" Costume, 1974 - $650.00
5: Collection of Jackson Family Awards - $600.00
76: Jackson Family Appreciation Awards - $600.00
119: 3Ts Touring Bass Drum, Snare, and Supports - $600.00
277: Jacksons' "An American Dream"- related material - $600.00
309: Michael Jackson "Victory Tour" Belt - $600.00
111: Jackson Family Owned Keyboard,c. 1990 - $550.00
113A: Jackson Family Keyboard and Traveling Case - $550.00
114: Randy Jackson's Conga Drums, c. 80s - $550.00
117: Jackson 5 Vintage Keyboard and Case, 70s - $550.00
181: Michael Jackson and Eddie Van Halen Negatives, 80s - $550.00
237: Original Katherine Jackson Portrait, 1985 - $550.00
279: Jackson's "Main Event" Signed Agreement, 1991 - $550.00
56: Jacksons Daily News Award, 1984 - $500.00
147: "Film Stars" Lithograph signed by Jimmy Stewart an - $500.00
176: Liz Taylor Autographed 1950's Movie Photo Inscribe - $500.00
231: Vintage Color Photo of Six Jackson Brothers on Sta - $500.00
247: Collection of Jackson Family Fine Artwork - $500.00
299: Randy Jackson's Stage Worn Boots, 1984 - $500.00
7: 3Ts RIAA Awards and Display - $475.00
194: Jackson 5 Photo and Concert Ticket, c. 70s - $475.00
233: Jacksons on Stage Photo Collection - $475.00
235: Dom Deluise Signed Original Artwork - $475.00
77: Jacksons Industry Awards - $450.00
273: Michael Jackson's AFTRA Statement, 1981 - $450.00
152: Michael and La Toya Signed Katherine Jackson Image - $425.00
205: Janet Jackson Signed Publicity Materials - $425.00
244: Original Janet Jackson Portrait, 1991 - $425.00
265: Engraved Michael Jackson Cartoon Plaque - $425.00
283: Janet Jackson's Walt Disney Contracts, 1984 - $425.00
91: Jacksons' Keys to City - $400.00
112: Michael's Wireless Microphone - $400.00
126: Authentic Wooden African Stringed Instrument - $400.00
121: Ludwig Bass Drum - $375.00
125: Jackson's Guitar Digital Control Unit, 80s - $375.00
141: Jackson Publicity Photo Collection, 1983 - $375.00
220: Jackson Performance Photos - $375.00
221: Jackson Family Las Vegas Publicity Photos - $375.00
249: Jackson Family Owned African American Art - $375.00
257: Michael Jackson Artwork Collection - $375.00
312: Tito Jackson "Victory Tour" Jacket - $375.00
4: The Jacksons Passport Award - $350.00
98: Jackie Jackson Awards, c. 80s - $350.00
236: Michael and Janet Inscribed VMA Artwork - $350.00
1: Michael Jackson Day Proclamation, 1984 - $325.00
82: Jackson Family Honorary Awards - $325.00
83: Jacksons Honorary Awards - $325.00
90: Katherine and Joe Jackson NAACP Awards - $325.00
94: "Blame it on the Boogie" Award Presented to Randy - $325.00
139: Michael Inscribed Photo Image of Young Katherine J - $325.00
144: Early Photograph of Michael Jackson, c. 70s - $325.00
145: Tito and Dee Dee Jackson Slide Collection c. 70s - $325.00
159: Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones, and Steven Spielber - $325.00
174: Vintage Hollywood Autographed Photos - $325.00
208: Katherine Jackson Photos, c. 40s - $325.00
227: Early Jackson 5 Publicity and Tour Photos - $325.00
246: Original Artwork Inscribed to Tito and Dee Dee Jac - $325.00
84: Katherine and Joe Jackson Honorary Awards- $300.00
86: Jackson Family Members Honorary Awards - $300.00
105: Jackson's Award and Jermaine Covers c. 80s - $300.00
109: European 3T Award Collection - $300.00
155: Michael Jackson Early Color Photo - $300.00
171: Early Jackson 5 Publicity Photos - $300.00
178: "Legendary Stars of the Cinema Collection" images - $300.00
179: Jackson 5 Photo Collection, c. mid 70s - $300.00
253: Tito Jackson and Sons Collection - $300.00
262: Drawing of Michael Jackson, c. 1970 - $300.00
36: Jackie Jackson's Sports Classic Award, 1978 - $275.00
99: Tito Jackson 70s Magazine Covers and Award - $275.00
151: Jackson Brothers Photo Portrait Collection, 70s - $275.00
169: Petula Clark Autographed Framed Sheet Music - $275.00
173: Celebrity Signed Publicity Photos and Headshots - $275.00
182: Unretouched Jacksons Color Transfer, 1981 - $275.00
74: Jermaine Jackson Civic and Industry Awards - $250.00
115: 3T's Touring Snare Drum Set - $250.00
130: Tito and Dee Dee Jackson Red Skelton Dedicated Pho - $250.00
164: Olivia Newton John Autographed Photo - $250.00
172: Ruby Keeler Signed Photographs - $250.00
223: Michael Jackson and Family Members Photos - $250.00
259: Michael Jackson "Off the Wall" Album and Artwork - $250.00
2: The Jacksons' Day Proclamation Plaque, 1979 - $225.00
3: Randy Jackson NAACP and Other Awards - $225.00
79: Milton Berle Award Inscribed to Dee Dee Jackson - $225.00
102: Randy Jackson Awards, c. 80s - $225.00
128: Tito Jackson Autographed Photo - $225.00
138: Shirley Temple Inscribed Publicity Still, c. 30s - $225.00
142: Michael Jackson Award Photograph - $225.00
149: Vintage Jackson 5 Photographic Collection - $225.00
163: La Toya Jackson Photographic Ephemera - $225.00
209: Photos of Tito and Sons, Baseball and Hockey, c. 8 - $225.00
210: Jackson 5 Oversized Photo, c. 70s - $225.00
212: Photo of Michael Jackson Posing with Friend - $225.00
250: Giant Painted Cutout Figure of La Toya Jackson - $225.00
284: La Toya Jackson Contracts and Financial Documents - $225.00
287: La Toya Jackson Legal Papers - $225.00
49: Joe Jackson's Key to the City of Gary, Indiana - $200.00
58: Disque d'Or Award to Katherine Jackson 1984 - $200.00
59: Disque d'Or Award Presented to Joe Jackson 1984 - $200.00
148: Janet Jackson Signed images - $200.00
161: Autographed Photograph of Janet Jackson - $200.00
165: 3Ts Photos, c. 80s - $200.00
177: Shirley Temple Photographs - $200.00
180: 3Ts Photos, c. 80s - $200.00
183: Fan's Jacksons Photo Album, c. 80s - $200.00
196: Keeler, Hunt, Janet and Singleton Photos, c.40s - $200.00
201: Signed American Bandstand-Related Photos - $200.00
206: Photos of Dee Dee Jackson, c. 70s - $200.00
218: 3Ts Photos, c. 80s - $200.00
219: Jackson Brothers Candid Publicity Photo, c. 70s - $200.00
224: Janet Jackson TV Production Still Photos - $200.00
243: La Toya Jackson Original Portrait - $200.00
254: Michael and Janet Jackson Montage Drawings, 1987 - $200.00
258: Print Art From 1970 Jackson 5 Magazine Cover, 1990 - $200.00
260: Katherine Jackson Original Oil Painting - $200.00
266: Large Portrait of Janet Jackson - $200.00
268: Janet Jackson Portrait, 1986 - $200.00
272: Janet Jackson Signed MGM Agreement, 1984 - $200.00
290: La Toya Jackson Signed Contract - $200.00
297: La Toya Jackson Wrist Cuff Collection - $200.00
146: Early Jackson 5 Publicity Photos - $175.00
186: The 3Ts Photos, c. 90s - $175.00
198: 3Ts Photos, c. 80s - $175.00
216: Howard Richards Inscribed Photo for Janet Jackson - $175.00
230: Color Photo of Jackson 5 at Home, c. early 70s - $175.00
305: Randy Jackson's Shearling Boots, 1984 - $175.00
307: Randy Jackson's Custom Leg Guards with image, 1984 - $175.00
313: Jackson's Custom Acrylic Leg Guards, 1981 - $175.00
316: La Toya Jackson Rhinestoned Stage Bustier - $175.00
190: Jacksons 8 x 10s, c. 80s - $150.00
199: New Edition Autographed Promo Photo - $150.00
217: Paula Abdul Autographed Photo, c. 90s - $150.00
222: Jackson Brothers with American Notables - $150.00
225: La Toya Jackson Photo Collection - $150.00
226: Michael Jackson and Fans Collection of Photos - $150.00
256: Jackson Family Decorative Artwork, 1985 - $150.00
271: Jacksons' Promotional Backdrop with Logo - $150.00
293: Jermaine Jackson Royalty Statements - $150.00
298: La Toya Jackson Lace and Faux-Pearl Belt - $150.00
300: La Toya Jackson Cowboy Hat - $150.00
135: Gregory Peck Signed Publicity Still - $125.00
154: Joe Jackson Portrait Photographs - $125.00
162: Joe DeRita Framed Photograph and Check - $125.00
187: Michael MacDonald Photo, c. 80s - $125.00
191: Brooke Shields, Emanuelle Lewis Circus Photos c. 8 - $125.00
207: 3Ts Photos, c. 80s - $125.00
215: La Toya Jackson Photo Collection - $125.00
229: Jackson Publicity Photos - $125.00
296: Jackson 5 Bow tie, c. 1970 - $125.00
106: La Toya Resolution From Cleveland Schools, c. 80s - $100.00
108: La Toya's Massachusetts and Cleveland Awards, c. 8 - $100.00
132: Donna Summer Signed Publicity Still, c. 70s - $100.00
134: Melanie Griffith Signed Publicity Still - $100.00
156: Vintage Photo of Joe and Katherine Jackson - $100.00
157: "Blondie" Inscribed Movie Lobby Card - $100.00
160: "Blondie" Inscribed Movie Lobby Card - $100.00
184: Janet Jackon VHS Tapes, c. 80s - $100.00
193: George Harrison Photos, c. 80s - $100.00
195: Marvin Gaye, Liza Minelli and Bobby Darin Photos, - $100.00
203: Framed Signed Portrait of Jermaine Jackson - $100.00
211: Tito Jackson Photographs - $100.00
248: Marlon Jackson's Handmade Decoupage Jar - $100.00
281: La Toya Jackson SAG Contract - $100.00
292: Johvonnie Jackson Contracts and Photos - $100.00
310: La Toya Jackson Sequined Tube Tops - $100.00
319: La Toya Jackson Cap Collection - $100.00
320: La Toya Jackson Red Beaded Gown- $100.00

TOTAL: $301,625.00



Un ziar englezesc a anuntat miercuri ca Jackson l-ar fi contactat pe Prince cu o propunere de colaborare constand intr-o aparitie in concert impreuna cu megastarul ,asta ajutandu-l pe acesta sa-si re-lanseze cariera si ca in urma acestei invitatii Prince l-ar fi refuzat cu raceala.

In ciuda acestor "stiri" purtatoarea de cuvant a megastarului ,Raymond Bain a adaugat:

"Articolul este complet fals.Aceasta publicatie nu ne-a contactat in cea ce priveste validitatea acestei informatii inainte sa o scrie".Bain a mai adaugat:"Domnul Jackson nu l-a intrebat pe Prince daca doreste sa concerteze impreuna cu el in turneul de revenire.Nu a existat nici o discutie cu Prince.punct.Am fost clari in a sublinia ca prioritatea principala a domnului Jackson este noul album.

In alte stiri MiJac artistul detine acum o parte din catalogul rapperului Eminem dupa cumpararea acestuia de catre Music LLC Viacom,a anuntat

Famous Music contine deasemenea si cantece de la Shakira,Beck si Bjork toti sunt acum in catalogul Beatles detinut de Jackson's Sony/ATV Music Publishing .

"Acesta este un eveniment important pentru Sony/ATV Music Publishing" a declarat Dl.Jackson. "Colectia variata de cantece din acet catalog contine cantece clasice pana la hituri contemporane si sunt multumit sa adaug aceasta achizitie catalogului".

Michael a sosit acasa:Si cateva poze......:-))))

michael jackson

michael jackson

michael jackson

michael jackson

Ziarul britanic The Mirror a publicat un articol in care se scuza pentru povestea publicata in legatura cu ptrecerea Printului Azim.

The Mirror:

"THE Sultan of Brunei's son, Prince Azim, has told us and we accept
that pop legend Michael Jackson wasn't paid a penny to join him for
his 25th birthday celebrations last month, rather than the £5million
we said.

Michael, who is a close pal of the Prince, was so keen to go he even
covered his own air fares. We only wish the Prince had invited us as
michael jackson

Happy father day,Michael!

Iti multumim ca esti un exemplu atat de bun pentru parintii din toata lumea:-)

Michael Jackson-Fani devotatii

13 Iunie, 2007 - The Sun

Michael Jackosn are inca un viitor stralucit in muzica in fata lui.Sondajul realizat de Popscores arata ca peste 82% dintre fani/cumparatori de muzica ar cumpara noul material a lui Michael.In acest mod MJ a obtinut cel mai mare procentaj dintre toti artistii prezenti in chestionar.

Pe locul 2 se afla MUSE, urmati indeaproape de GORILLAZ.

Persoanle care s-au ocupat de sondaj i-au intrebat pe fani ce artisti preferati au si ce muzica ar cumpara.

Popscores este o companie folosita de industria muzicala pentru a descoperii ce artisti se afla in topul preferintelor publicului larg.

michael jackson


June 27, 2007

Washington, D.C. .. There have been several news reports regarding Mr. Michael Jackson that are untrue, defamatory and malicious in nature.

Mr. Jackson is not bedridden nor on any type of medication.including painkillers. In fact, Mr. Jackson is doing very well, and conducted a meeting with his advisors yesterday, which included Former Attorney General Benjamin R. Civiletti, and Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., among others.

There was no press release issued from Mr. Jackson's organization regarding any European tour plans. Despite reports to the contrary, Mr. Jackson is currently in the studio putting finishing touches on his music.

Mr. Jackson has not "left" Las Vegas nor is he being "evicted" from his residence in Las Vegas. He decided not to exercise the option to purchase the house. Period.

Mr. Jackson does not believe that his brother, Randy Jackson, has stolen monies from him, nor does he believe that Randy, or any of his family members, would ever steal from him. Reports regarding the same were untrue and malicious.

Contrary to published reports, Mr. Jackson is neither losing, nor is he selling his share of the ATV/Sony partnership. Reports regarding the same are ludicrous, without merit, and are being written without sufficient personal financial information to make such an unwarranted pronouncement.


Mr. Jackson is concerned that his assistant, Grace Rwaramba, is constantly being attacked by Fox News' Roger Friedman. There have been vicious and untrue reports concerning Ms. Rwaramba, who lives a very private life and has done nothing wrong, but is being attacked for her professional relationship and proximity to Mr. Jackson.

While in his entire career, Mr. Jackson has never uttered a disparaging word to any reporter, nor has he ever used or instructed his security to use any force toward any reporter, there are those whose vehement hatred for Mr. Jackson has reached a level where all journalistic integrity has been lost, in order to write reports for which there is no substantiation, are untrue, written to create a frenzy, or used to try and destroy Mr. Jackson's image. They know who they are; and, this is a sad commentary.a commentary which Mr. Jackson's attorneys will address.


Raymone Bain has confirmed that Michael is indeed scouting out some summer- house properties. Michael was in the Eastern Shore of Maryland last week for about 24 hours. Michael hasn't purchased any property as of yet as some reports are circulating the internet.

Michael has not limited his search to the Chesapeake region. He has reportly gone up the coast still searching for a vacation home.

Jackson came east with his children about 10 days ago to attend some meetings with his advisers and attorneys who live in the East coast. Michael has always enjoyed the East Coast because there is lots of land.

The Easton Star Democrat, citing "inside sources" said that Jackson spent the previous night at the historic Inn at Perry Cabin. The inn's managers declined to comment on wether Michael was staying at the inn. A wave of news reports followed, but no actual sightings. WBAL-TV captured video of sheets shrouding the path from the inn's exit to a waiting limousine . . . which certainly seemed like vintage MJ.

Ms. Bain was asked what Michael's meetings were about and she answered: "A laundry list" of issues, Bain said. "He's head of a vast corporation."


Sony renegociaza cu Michael Jackson clauzele din contractul de fuziune al catalogului starului si catalogul detinut de Sony,din care a rezultat catalogulSony/ATV. Acestia doresc sa i se permita companiei Sony BMG sa semneze si ei contracte cu compozitori si sa intre asfel pe piata drepturilor de autor.

O clauza exista acum in contractul lui Mike ii impiedica sa faca acest lucru.Si cum piata vanzarilor de muzica scade treptat,piata drepturilor de autor aduce un venit mai sigur si mai constant.

Michael Jackson a fost ocupat in ultimul timp cu cautare unei case de vacanta in Maryland.

" We have been advised by Joseph Marcus, Manager of Neverland Ranch, that
Mr. Jackson's property is fine and that the brush fires are now about 10-12 miles
away from the Neverland Ranch.

We pray that the fires cease and that Mr. Jackson's neighbors, and those
in the surrounding area, experience no loss or tragedy.

Thank you.
Raymone K. Bain "

michael jackson
michael jackson

Michael Jackson isi va primi o parte din lucrurile luate de Universal Express,asta este decizia luata luni de judecatorul repartizat acestui caz.S-a stabilit ca acesta firma nu a respectat deciziile luate anterior de instanta judecatoreasca si deci trebuie sa returneze o parte din obiecte.

Compania aeriana care a montat echipamente video in avionul care l-a transportat pe Michael si avocatul sau in 2003,vrea ca judecatorul sa stabileasca ce daune trebuie sa-i plateasca lui Michael si lui Mark Geragos fara a mai audia diversi experti care ar putea sa precizeze ce capital are aceata companie,probabil in speranta ca ar putea scapa cu o suma mai mica de plata...

Michael Jackson a fost in Washington, D.C . pe 18 iulie 2007 impreuna cu copiii sai si au vizitat "the Smithsonian Museums" . Ei s-au plimbat prin "the Air and and Space Museum" pentru 45 de minute iar turul a fost condus de Don Lopez, directorul acestui muzeu,care l-a condus pe Mike intr-un tur similar acum 25 de ani.Michael a stat mai mult in fata unui 1903 Wright Flyer ,iar copiilor lui le-a placut foarte mult roboteii folositi in Star Wars R2-D2 si C-3PO .


Video 1

Video 2

michael jackson


End of story-procese juridice

Centru medical Marian Medical Center si Michael Jackson au fost dati in judecata de copii unei paciente ale respectivului spital pe motiv ca atat Jackson si Marian Medical Center se fac responsabili de decesul pacientei Manuela Ruiz.
     Manuela Ruiz, de 73 de ani, era internata in centrului medical in urma unui infart grav. La venirea lui Jackson in spital, aceasta a fost mutata din rezerva in care se afla intr-o alta rezerva de doua paturi. In seara aceleasi zile pacienta a murit.
     Familia pacientei decedate a considerat ca atat Michael Jackson cat si centru medical se fac responsabili de moartea femeii, astfel ca au intentat proces impotriva artistului si spitalului, cerand daune materiale.
     Judecatorul Rodney Melville (acelas care a condus si procesul de agresiune sexuala a lui Jackson in urma cu doi ani) a pus capat procesului intentat de urmasii doamnei Ruiz permitand totusi avocatilor acuzarii sa conteste decizia sa in termen de 30 de zile.

Deasemenea Michael a ajuns la o intelegere cu firma de avocatura care i-a intentat proces pentru neplata unor onorarii.


"Cantecul nou atribuit lui Michael este de fapt un fals"

Un nou cantec despre care s-a spus ca este un single cantat de Michael este in fapt un fals.Purtatoarea de cuvant a cantaretului a spus ca "Mamacita",transmisa in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania de 93.1 Kiis FM saptamana trecuta nu apartine lui Jackson,care nu a lansat inca un material nou.

Sept 7 2007

The Jackson's

People Magazine has followed other publications in reporting untrue and inaccurate information about Michael Jackson and the Jackson Family. Of these widely reported rumors, what has become the most troubling and heronious, is that my son, and our brother Michael Jackson is dependent on painkillers and alcohol.

People, and other news organizations, have quoted "sources" indicating that our family has attempted a drug intervention, and engaged in an effort to take over his business affairs, because of this alleged drug and alcohol usage.

We categorically deny ever planning, participating in, of having knowledge of any kind of intervention whatsoever. We strongly believe that these "sources" and others, no matter who they are, are making these defamatory, inaccurate, and untrue claims for monetary reasons.

Michael Jackson and the Jackson family has endured years of false accusations and misrepresentations.

It is time for these unfair and hurtful rumors for profit to end.

Thank you

Signed by
Tito Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Jackie Jackson, Jermaine Jackson and Katherine Jackson

michael jackson

People are in cea mai noua editie un articol despre Michael si cei trei copiii ai sai:Prince I, 10; Paris, 9; and, Prince II, poreclit Blanket,5; -- si surpriza,surpriza ii declara aproape normali;-)

Intr-o calatorie recenta la gradina zoologica John Gibbons l-a insotit pe Jackson si pe cei trei copiii si a declarat :"Am fost uimit de cat de politicosi,draguti si normali sunt".Desigurl ca exista si o smecherie-reprezentantii revistei spun ca cei mici il adora pe tatal lor pentru ca si el copilaros si face totul sa para o joaca.

Jamie Foster Brown,un jurnalist care a fost cu Jackson si familia lui in Japonia a spus ca "Toti sunt foarte prietenosi,jucausi si copiilor le place la nebunie sa faca glume pe seama tatalui lor...Se simt foarte bine cu el.Isi creste foarte bine copiii."


Curtea de judecata din Belgia hotaraste -R.Kelly a plagiat cantecul scris pentru Jackson

Ziaristii din Belgia au raportat marti 22 ca o judecatorie din Brussels a considerat -hitul l lui jackson din 1995 "You are not alone" similar cu un alt cantec scris de doi belgieni inaintea lui R.kelly.

Judeactoria a hotarat saptamana trecuta ca toate drepturile de autor ale hitului scris de R.Kelly sunt transferate celor doi frati .

Cei doi frati gemeni s-au luptat 12 ani pentru ca munca lor sa fie recunoscuta ,insa hotararea judecatoriei se aplica doar in Belgia -astfel recunoasterea drepturilor compozitorilor ramane inca dificila.

"You are not alone" was released in August 1995, the second single off the multi-platinum Jackson album 'HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I'.

Hitul "you are not alone "a fost lansta in 1995 si este al doilea cantec care a primit distinctia de multi -platina de pe albumul "history-Present and Future".

Dupa lansarea sa el devine primul hit single care sa debuteze numarul unu in top US Bil lboard Hot 100 chart.

2007 VMA Awards nu a fost deloc atat de fierbinte cum s-a promis!Showul nu a prezentat si uimit publicul prin nimic,fiind lipsit de orice substanta ...

Toti care asteptau aparitia lui Britney Spears si noul ei cantec au fost dezamagiti.Toti rapperii au aparut si condus showul-poate ar trebui sa se numeasca mai bine BET Awards.

Ce se intampla de fapt cu scena muzicala...??I se cam simte lipsa megastarului....a adevaratelor talente muzicale....

michael jackson

Akon about Jackson

Acum Akon lucreaza cu nume sonore din industraia muzicala: Madonna, Whitney Houston si Michael Jackson.

"Ooh,nu vreau sa-i rostesc numele de 2 ori",a glumit Akon in Miami referindu-se la Jackson."Nu am voie sa vorbesc despre asta!"

Desi nu a dezvaluit detalii despre colaborarea cu Jackson de teama sa nu compromita aceste proiecte,a vorbit un pic despre experienta pe care a avut-o lucrand cu megastarul:

"He's incredible". "He's a genius. Just to be in the same room [with him], I felt everything I wanted to accomplish in life has been achieved. That aura ... that's how incredible that aura is. We about to shake the world up, man. You know how you be with somebody and you can't even explain [the feeling]? I used to sit and think, 'How does somebody sell so many records and dominate a whole business genre, to a point [where] nobody can't be a part of that without associating with you?' The way he thinks ... some artists think regional, some think national, I was thinking international. He thinks planets. It's on another level."


Raymone K. Bain, purtatoarea de cuvant a lui Michael Jackson, a confirmat fanclubului italian ca Michael va aparea in revista Vogue din luna octombrie.Sedinta foto a avut loc in ultimele cateva zile in New York.

Sursa: CTE MJ FC/

michael jackson
michael jackson
Collector Issue #22: Michael Jackson

Acum de vanzare

Michael Jackson | Magic Groove, craziness and greatness. The long and winding road of the megastar of world pop.

Thriller | The master work of funk that rocks the music industry.

From genius to crazy | Milestones, myths and downs of an outlandish man.

Discography | From Got To Be There (1972) to Invincible (2001).

Administrator-"Thank you to all that have come here and supported Michael Jackson and MJJForum throughout the years. This was a heartbreaking decision as we are approaching are 6 year anniversary. It hurts like hell, but maybe if I explain a bit more there will be better understanding. For a many years, I have been harassed, stalked, defamed and slandered because of all "this" and finally, I had enough.

Last Tuesday, one of Michael Jackson's so-called fans (or a hater .. who cares at this point) found my phone number and proceeded to call, harass me and threaten MY FAMILY. Before then, a hater thought it would be funny to constantly HACK MJJForum by placing an script on our server and message board.

With that said, I decided after years of this, it was best to finally close the doors. Before any message board, the safety of my family comes first. The hate is too much for me to handle so I'm truly finished.

I gave the database and everything else over to the Sr. Staff. It is up to them if they wish to continue.

Because the MJJF name is intrinsically tied to me, and I can't seemingly separate it, I have no choice but to close it. This has nothing to do with money, or servers, or staff or anything like that. It's just time...

MJJF is MsTenda MsTenda is MJJF the two cannot co-exisit seperately... she tried, she's retired but yet she's still here... why you ask? .... she always will be drawn in, members find her phone number and call her to complain, harass her, etc. that is why it needs to end.

she has a new life and has grown during the many years and while that worked for awhile, it can no longer be tolerated as her family has now been threatened and that is unacceptable.

This and the constant hacking, bashing and trashing of us and our staff on other forums, and the breach of confidenitiality by several staff members has become too much for us to handle

that is why we are choosing to close, we have taken into consideration the thoughts and feelings of every one of our 11,000 members and we hope you can now understand why."

The Sr. Staff have unanimously decided to carry on with a new community that will replace the closing MJJForum Fan Community.

The new forum will be ... the domain has been reserved, registered, purchased and they even called, to sell me more features for the new domain. will be

L'UOMO Vogue

Pozele facute de Michael saptamana trecuta vor aparea pe coperta si inauntrul revistei L'UOMO Vogue.Mai jos sunt prezentate cateva fotografii din sedinta foto amintita.Deasemenea veti putea citi in revista si un interviu mai lung cu Michael.Sedinta foto este parte dintr-o intelegere intre Michael si Roberto Cavalli-Michael face aceasta sedinta foto si in schimb Cavalli va fi designerul costumelor din campania de promovare a noului album al cantaretului.

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michael jackson
michael jackson
michael jackson

A book about Diana Ross

Fostul amic a lui Michael Jackson, J.Randy Taraborrelli,a scris o carte intitulata “Diana Ross - An Unauthorized Biography”.

Despre acesta noua relatare a vietii cantaretei americane:

"The book was originally meant as an update to Taraborrelli’s second book, “Call Her Miss Ross,” but instead became a complete up-to-date history of the 63-year-old star.

Among the book’s disappointments: a too brief account of Ross’s friendship with controversial “King of Pop” Michael Jackson. The book claims that Jackson started to break away from Ross shortly after “Thriller” became a major hit in 1984. He declined many invitations to Ross’ home in Connecticut and did not attend her 1986 wedding to second husband Arne Naess. Taraborrelli writes that Jackson seemed “genuinely heartbroken that Diana planned to marry Arne.”

“Yes, I would like to marry her,” the author quotes Jackson as saying. “Perhaps, one day. …” "


Despre pozele din revista care a ajuns astazi pe piata:

pg. 190 where [Michael] shouts, next to the article...pages 191-192 4x2 pics when he has that snake thing (Jacob&Co. gem) 193 Michael with waistcoat, he smiles, pg. 194 with snake Michael coming out of the scenography and he throws himself on the floor!! pg. 196 with hair with wind effect! pg. 197 pic with red effect! pg. 198 very close-up, amazing! pg. 199 Michael with hands like praying..

...then the pic with the (shredded) can see the underwear! Then a pic where MJ has a new york yankees cap! Then a series of 4 pics with Dior trousers...then one pic of the backstage with Bruce where Michael raises his fist. The last one...a drawing with a writing :"I don't want to be a robot". The End

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michael jackson
michael jackson
michael jackson
michael jackson
michael jackson
michael jackson
michael jackson
michael jackson

Now open for all Michael Jackson's fans: a new forum that it will fill the open space left on the web when MJJFORUM closed-VISIT NOW

Michael a cheltuit in jur de $20,000 pe o masina ecologica Toyota Prius.
michael jackson

In ultimul timp au avut loc foarte multe discutii legate de un posibil turneu Jackson 5.Jermaine a si declarat intr-o aparitie televizata ca Michael va fi implicat in acet proiect.

Revista Jet dedicata lui Michael va aparea pe 17 Dec.

Michael a facut in ultimele zile cumparaturi in L.A.

michael jackson

Interviul lui Akon

Female Host: Akon, when can we expect something from Michael Jackson? I'm very excited by this.

Akon: Oh man. He got a surprise for you guys AT the Superbowl.

Male Host(s): Oooh. Really?

Female Host: Superbowl?! What?! That soon?!

Akon: Yeah, man. The guy's about to come and takeover 2008.


Female Host: I'm excited about Michael Jackson's performance at the Superbowl.

Akon: Eh, I didn't say he was gonna perform.


Akon: The thing is, we workin' on the Superbowl-- I'm actually working on the Superbowl performance myself.

Female Host: You are?! Okay, so you're going to be performing at the Superbowl... With maybe a surprise appearance by Michael Jackson? So it's going to be a duet!

Akon: The thing is, Mike has something totally separate from what's going on, [but it's] happening around the Superbowl time.


Akon: I'll give you a hint. His presence will be felt around that time.

Female Host: Oh my God!!! I'm so stoked, Akon, for this!


This is from a new phone interview with KISS 95.7 In the Morning with Ryan Seacrest.