Michael Jackson News 2010

Michael Jackson: The shocking truth in the FBI files - january 13

By Deborah Ffrench

The recently released FBI files debunk the myth of Michael Jackson as child molester. Is it time to ask who is really responsible for his death - Dr Conrad Murray or the media?

The one question I hear no-one asking in the press or blogland in general is:- 'why' was Michael Jackson taking an extreme drug? What made a relatively fit man known for abstention from the early part of his career until the mid-1990's, end his days in a made-to-measure trauma room?

A star by the age of 10, catapulted into superstardom after the success of his first two solo albums, his dominance in the music industry coincided with the multimedia explosion of the late 1980's. One of the first of the new breed of artists to fully explore the potential of synergistic promotion of product as a vehicle to reach new audiences, by 1991 Michael Jackson - the brand, had penetrated the consciousness of the entire developed and most of the undeveloped world.

With such unprecedented accessibility came also unprecedented pressure. Pressure to maintain and exceed his own standards, constant deconstruction by the press, and emotional isolation as the gilded chains of a life lived under the microscope bound ever tighter. There is no room here to list the enormous contribution he made to the lives of children all over the globe. His efforts are a matter of public record and the information regarding them is easily obtainable on the web.

Suffice it to say, Michael saw children not as 'people-in-waiting', but as bonafide, sentient personalities whose process and concerns were worthy of respect and protection. Using his fame and wealth to radically benefit the lives of such young people was something Michael believed to be his ultimate purpose here, and it is in this light that we can perhaps understand the catastrophic, internal damage the public cauterization that came from 1993 onwards must have done to him.

Something rotten has been decaying at the the heart of our media for some time now, but it took the death of one of its favorite page-fillers to expose the reality of what the cumulative effect of deliberate mental and emotional attack on a person actually looks like. It must surely now be apparent that the existing regulatory checks and balances within the media are totally inadequate –and further, that those monitoring capabilities are unable to prevent the now standard 'take aim' and 'destroy' default position the media now typically seems to operate from in relation to the subjects it 'goes after.'

Michael's early death was not a given. Only the most imperceptive would deny that the anesthetic that killed him was, in reality, just a formality. What killed Michael Jackson was the sustained agony of being put through a baseless, protracted trial in full view of the world's lens - knowing if found guilty, he would be removed from his children's lives. And even after his acquittal, facing relentless vilification by a media that chose to simply disregard a verdict they found economically inconvenient.

British journalist Charles Thomson's clear analysis of the recently released FBI files which can be viewed at:


- Thomson's point by point breakdown of the files reveals not only the inability of both the FBI and the LAPD to provide any evidence of criminal wrongdoing by Jackson in an investigation that spanned over a decade, but also the continuing inference by the media of exactly the opposite of this.

It is important to note that there is a profound difference between the FBI stating that X and Y were alleged, and the FBI saying they investigated X and Y – and found X and Y to be proven. Thomson's review of the files is thus required reading for any who wish to separate the facts from the soundbites which have largely dominated the media reporting on them.

Because the truth is, after the most thorough investigation the American taxpayer's money could buy, one of the world's foremost intelligence gathering agencies and the LAPD came up with precisely – nothing. Instead we were served a collage of cut-out articles from a UK tabloid, the dubious recollections of an unverifiable woman on a train, and two ex-employees who only came forward after the 1993 allegations broke and who, coincidentally, were also hawking a tell-all book to anyone who would listen.

Long before Dr Murray ever wrote his first 'feel-good' prescription, a lie of epic proportions would set in motion a cataclysmic series of events that would bring Michael to the state of profound depletion we saw in 2005. Evan Chandler - a known brutalist, and Janet Arviso, a proven welfare cheat and compensation chaser, manipulated the American criminal system and a willing media to bury Michael under the worst label society has determined exists. No proof was required, the suggestion was enough. And the world watched on the edge of their seats, as the obvious perjury of the witnesses was overlooked in the stampede to crucify a man previously so celebrated.

The inevitably, frenzied media coverage of Dr Murray's impending trial which will replay the details of Michael's dying moments for months to come, has now already begun its crescendo. It is more than a little disturbing to observe how quickly those same people who actively colluded in the degradation and erosion of Michael's spirit and dignity for over 15 years, have regrouped to focus on Dr Murray as the 'fall guy' for the part he played in Jackson's death. Murray's culpability cannot be denied, but he was far from alone in his opportunism.

Where were the voices now wailing about 'wasted resources' and the 'rights' of taxpayers when Tom Sneddon authorized the use of millions of dollars of federal money to pursue Michael in his deeply personal and blinkered 'takedown' of the, then – biggest pop star on the planet?

Michael Jackson didn't bankrupt the City of Angels; they fell all by themselves. For a country that can shine so bright when it chooses to – what America did to this man stands as one of the most shameful examples of engineered cruelty and unmitigated persecution to be witnessed in modern times.

Michael Jackson Fans -A beautiful Love affair -january 15

Michael Jackson Fans
Michael Jackson's one great and serious love affair was with his fans. A common exchange between Michael and a fan was:

I love you Michael.
I love you more.

He wasnt kidding. He meant it. Literally. Lots of entertainers profess to love their fans but will not go out of their way to be kind or to see them certainly, as a force or a cultural base to change the world. Many rockers have been known to take advantage of vulnerable female fans. Michael had opportunities to do just that but was restrained and respectful of his fans, especially females. Michael seemed to feel not only their love, but their pain in not being able to express their feelings for him with physical closeness. Those feelings were not unrequited. But Michael seemed to understand that not being able to access the object of adolescent crushes and first loves is exquisitely painful. He was wise to that and able to feel it. Michael frequently dissolved into tears on stage after or during an encounter with a female fan.

An exquisitely lonely man, Michael admitted to his pain of separation and described that loneliness to many who knew him. He was one of the most visible people in the world and yet one of the most lonely. Imagine being in a hotel room in just about any city in the world with adoring fans camped outside your lodgings and not being able to see them, access them, chat with them or have any meaningful interactions. Imagine all that love coming toward you and not being able to access any of it personally, closely, physically or with sexual fulfilment. Michael called himself a gentleman when it came to women and the typical Rocker story exploitations of fans are glaring in their absence.

Michael would often hand write multiple copies of notes to fans while in his hotel rooms and sneak downstairs to glimpse his fans who were diehard and camped out silently near and around hotels just to be near him and his energy. Or he would write them notes that proclaimed that he could feel their love through the walls and would profusely thank them for their love and loyalty. He is known for delivering them himself if it was safe and at other times his security would hand them to fans. Have you ever heard of a Rockstar who did that? Michael would often direct his staff to purchase and deliver blankets and pillows to fans who were camped out in the cold overnight.

In his concerts in the 80s and 90s Michael would have bodyguards either allow or bring a fan onstage to be with Michael and dance with him while he sang a ballad, often She's Out of My Life. He did this consistently despite confessing that fans sometimes scared him because they tend to forget manners and convention in their frenzied state and they can pull hair and cause bodily harm. What is remarkable is what happened with each of those fans who made it onto the stage to touch him. Winding their arms around him not wanting to let go, they would vocalize their love for him with I love you, Michael, obvious with lip reading.

Many times they sobbed uncontrollably. Sometimes they fainted. One female fan fainted while standing with him on stage and Michael gently lifted her, carrying her across the stage to a bodyguard while he continued to sing. Every time, without fail, Michael would hug female fans genuinely and tenderly while firmly spanning and cradling the back of their head in his hand. Who does that? Only a man who understands women and knows what love really feels like—being held securely and cherished with a simple gesture. Often he would display the chivalrous bowing before the female object of his attention. Michael loved. He loved tenderly. He loved fiercely. Its in his body language. And the one steady object of his adoration was his fans.

At his arraignment before the 2005 trial, he leaped onto the roof of a car to wave to fans and to have his videographer capture their presence and support at a difficult time in his life. Michael had his crew film everything. He was heavily criticized for that gesture. The media categorized it as a circus atmosphere, the judge didn't appreciate it and to those who didn't know Michael like his fans and who didn't know what fans meant to him, saw it as disrespectful to the process and as cavalier and arrogant.

That gesture was to thank the fans, acknowledge them and to reassure himself that despite the circumstances, he was still beloved and that fans hadn't deserted him. Michael's gesture was spontaneous and typical Michael. He gave no thought to how it might be interpreted by the cynical audience and media frenzy that surrounded that trial. In every country he visited, Michael might jump on the roofs of vehicles to avoid the crush of rushing and aroused fans or to give them a better look. But the public had no way of knowing that. Michael's constant and only support during the five month ordeal were his fans and family. The absence of celebrities or friends flocking to support him was jarring. Michael needed his fans and to feel their love in order to withstand the relentless legal and personal assaults on his character during the gruelling five months of that trial. He needed their energy to prop him up to withstand the daily barrage of insults and assaults upon his personhood and character. Fans got him through the trial. Fans and family.

I didnt know about Michael Jackson fans until after his death. I supposed he had fans, but I didnt really know them until I began researching about Michael and his life. Michaels fans are all over the world and number in the millions. The Thriller album sold more than a hundred million copies.

Like any other celebrity, Michaels fans are steadfast and loyal but there is an element that goes beyond the worldly manifestation of fan clubs for other entertainers. The exchange between Michael and his fans is, well otherworldly. There is a tone surrounding Michaels fans that is hard to describe. Its as if each of them knows him personally, defends his reputation and his honor at any and every offence or assault, and they are kind and loving people. I began to read their postings as I began researching after his death and it became quickly evident that they all love him and believe implicitly in him and his character through everything that plagued this man throughout his lifetime. They have the facts; they have the evidence to back it all up. Because they follow everything about Michael, they have a context and a history that others are not privy to. Michael Jackson was and still is beloved. Agape? Of course. But he was and is beloved in the spiritual sense of the word. And it was not unrequited.

Michaels fans have followed every event of his life; they know every career turn; they know all the albums and lyrics; they have followed press reports about the superstar; they know all the data. But something else defines Michael Jackson fans and I am at a loss to convey in any understandable terms. There is an unusual almost ethereal communication among his fans and his relationship with them was highly unusual. It is hard to describe and even harder to understand. But there was an element of recognition—a love force or energy, an energetic exchange between Michael and his fans that transcends norms. It couldnt be seen with the naked eye but it was there. Its as if they feel each other. Whatever it is or was, it is a new kind of language that the rest of us dont speak.

During the 2005 trial and at other times, Michael Jackson fans were described as rabid or in some way unreasonable. Often they were depicted as being a little or a lot loony but that is simply not the case. They also were thought to be so enamoured and blinded by the star that they abandoned all sense of propriety, reality or reason when it came to anything Michael. But that too, is simply not the case. MJ fans, as they call themselves know the man. They have a kind of advantage over the rest of society in understanding what non-fans and critics saw as eccentricities having simple and plausible explanations. To them it was Michael just being Michael. Because they know the history and have a fuller context of who Michael Jackson was. They have a mental timeline of who Michael was and what he did and there was a deeper understanding than the general public. They dont excuse his behavior or overlook it because there is no need to. They understood that Michael was different and they fully accept that and see it as a grand reason to love him even more. This historical knowledge and timeline does make a difference—it places events into a context unavailable to most.

True MJ fans which is a moniker, speak with one voice regarding his character and his interactions with people and particularly with children. They even have a common language. One of the things that stands out when reading comments by his fans is the familiarity of all of them with what they call MJ haters. There is something unsettling and disturbing about the practices of these so called MJ haters. They show up on blogs and postings belittling him, his appearance and his character. They appear to be mostly males, mostly conservative Christians by the language and the slant of their posts, and they have very graphic and explicit damning things to say about his interest in children. They have twisted it into a caricature of thick, dark human shadow. They dont seem to be aware that Michael Jackson was acquitted of all charges in his much publicized trial. Not guilty does not make for good tabloid fodder or economics and the yellow press milked the publicity in order to sell copy, so it is conceivable that these males actually did not hear or understand that the trial ended with a favorable outcome for Michael. But the peculiarity and specificity of their language is especially disturbing. Its violent.

One has to wonder why these MJ haters as they are called, bother to monitor the Michael Jackson fan areas and take the opportunity to spew a vile brew of accusation, sensation and condemnation toward a man long ago found innocent. Its not unusual to see duplicate postings on several sites, sometimes using the same name and obviously the same author. Those postings smack of sexual arousal, machismo gone rogue and a parallel thread of violence. It is obviously designed to arouse someone, but whom? It appears autoerotic. It does get a reaction. These comments are often followed by a true Michael fan commenting later to ignore the hater. Apparently the fans have experience with this kind of bating. It is apparent also that no amount of factual intervention will convince the unenlightened. There is something really disturbing about the nature of these entries and how forceful they are.

Freudian theory would suppose that the haters themselves are latent homosexuals who project their hatred of themselves and their closeted sexual identity confusion onto a representative target—i.e. Michael Jackson. Jung would probably say they are displaying their own impotence with a demonstration of jealousy twisted toward a well known man who criticized and lacked machismo, embodied androgyny and sexuality and who aroused the paradox of sexual and maternal feelings in females. That too is evident in the comments by female fans who remark about Michaels body. That has always been true; the sexual awakening in young females often finds a safe and inaccessible target. And they swoon. It was true for Elvis fans in his day and Frank Sinatra before him. The screaming of Beatles fans illustrates the same phenomena.

Michael was beloved everywhere in the world. No matter where he went, there were throngs of fans who loved Michael. The irony and paradox that stuns is the knowledge that he could not go out into public and interact with those who loved him because he would not be safe. While it is touching to be the target of so much love and adoration, the fame comes at an enormous cost. No privacy. No friends who know you just as Michael and not as Michael Jackson the mega-star.

Like any public figure and especially a celebrity, Michael attracted fans that could meet the definition of crazed but they arent many. I have corresponded with Michaels fans from all over the world and have found them to be thoughtful, dedicated to justice, generous, philanthropic and highly intelligent. They range from children to doctoral candidates. And almost every one I have interacted with have Michaels ministrations and message in mind—change the world and make it a better place. Love more. And I can tell you from personal experience—they do.

Michael Jackson's fans saw in Michael a light. A light, a love and a goodness that was a shroud that surrounded Michael's being. He shone and his love was shimmering. Fans knew it because they could feel it. It was that real and that palpable. And it is because of Michael that they are committed to making the world a better place. Michael was the messenger. His fans now are the message. Watch. Listen. Learn. Meet a Force that means to change the world.

(c) B. Kaufmann 2009 and beyond. Reprinted by permission from http://www.innermichael.com/




Michael Jackson's 2 eldest children accepted his posthumous lifetime achievement award at the 52nd Grammy Awards.
Prince and Paris Jackson were accompanied by their cousins Tarryl, TJ and Taj Jackson of music group 3T when they accepted the award from presenter Lionel Richie.

Prince and Paris wore black suits and red armbands, reminiscent of their father's style. They were greeted by a standing ovation as they walked hand-in-hand onstage.

"Thank you. We are proud to be here to accept this award on behalf of our father, Michael Jackson," the 12-year-old Prince said. "First of all we'd like to thank God for watching over us for these past 7 months and our grandma and grandpa for their love and support. We'd also like to thank the fans. Our father loved you so much because you were always there for him." “Our father was always concerned about the planet and humanity. Through all his hard work and dedication, he has helped many charities and donated to all of them. Through all his songs, his message was simple: love. We will continue to spread his message and help the world. Thank you. We love you daddy.”

Paris, 11, added: “Daddy was supposed to be here. Daddy was gonna perform this year but he couldn't perform last year. Thank you. We love you daddy.”

Jackson's third child, 7-year-old Prince Michael II also known as “Blanket," did not go onstage.

Heal the world
Richie, who co-wrote “We Are The World” with Jackson, also opened the Grammys' tribute to the late King of Pop.

“My friend, Michael Jackson, once said, ‘In a world filled with hate, we must still dare hope. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to believe. In his too short time with us, Michael dared to believe in our power to make this world a better place,” said Richie.

The tribute featured the performance of the “Earth Song,” which was sung by Jennifer Hudson, Usher, Carrie Underwood, Smokey Robinson and Celine Dion. Jackson's recording of the “Earth Song” was incorporated in the performance. Attendees at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California gave a standing ovation.

The 3-D short film, which was to accompany the “Earth Song” performance in Jackson's “This Is Tour,” was shown during the tribute.

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michael jackson
michael jackson

I'm sure Michael was a very proud father last night....

michael jackson


Official accusations-feb 08

Dr. Murray was charged with involuntary manslaughter yesterday afternoon.The bail was set:75.000$.The Jackson family was there,along side with a lot of Michael's loyal fans and people from the media.The Med Board proposed that the medical licence to be suspended but the judge didn't agree with this he just ordered Murray not to use anesthesia in his procedures.

The official case report



The children in Katherine's care-march 12 2010

Jermaine filed for divorce from Alejandra Jackson in 2004. They fought hard over child support. According to legal documents, Jermaine pressured Alejandra to live with the couple's two children -- Jaafar and Jermajesty -- in the Jackson family home in Encino. Alejandra claimed in the docs Jermaine wanted her to live in his mom's home so he didn't have to pay her support.

In legal docs filed last year, Alejandra complained most of the support money she received was from Katherine, frequently in the form of gift cards from Ralphs supermarket -- the very same place Jaafar bought a credit card so he could purchase the stun gun online. ( Jaafar ordered the gun. Randy Jackson tells the gun was delivered to the house 3 weeks ago -- but was intercepted by security. Katherine took control of the gun and locked it up. DCFS took the gun away a couple of weeks ago during their visit at the Encino home.)

Alejandra has been living in Katherine's home, along with Jaafar and Jermajesty , Genevieve and Randall -- the latter two kids were born during Alejandra's marriage to Randy Jackson , Jermaine's brother. Another minor, Dante , is living in the home -- a child the Jackson's essentially adopted. Add to that Michael Jackson's three kids, Prince , Paris and Blanket and 79-year-old Katherine is juggling responsibilities for 8 children.


Sony / Michael Jackson $250 Million Recording Contract – Biggest Deal In History

Michael Jackson estate has signed the biggest deal ever in music — worth up to $250 million with a guarantee of $200 million. The estate made the deal with Sony Music Entertainment — the contract is for 10 projects over seven years. One album will debut in November, which contains never-before released songs.The first project is considered to be the soundtrack for This is it movie.

New report that shows very clear that Dr Murray lied on june 25 2009-paramedics report



2 funny/sweet stories about Michael

MJ's trip to Chinese mainland

michael jackson
michael jackson

On June 26, the "King of Pop" Michael Jackson died suddenly from a heart attack. All his Chinese fans felt regret that he never held a concert in Chinese mainland; however, 22 years ago Michael Jackson set foot on Chinese mainland for the first time and visited the city of Zhongshan during a holiday in Hong Kong. That was his only trip to the Chinese mainland.

Liu Guangzhi, who has now settled down in Maryland in the US, received Michael Jackson and his tour group on October 23, 1987, as the best English-speaking tour guide in Zhongshan City at that time.

Dark green coat, trim black pants, big sunglasses with a black frame, and a friendly and calm character, were his first impressions of Michael.

Visit to Yongmo Village in the town of Sanxiang

"He was deeply fascinated by the paddy fields, water buffaloes, ducks on the ponds and peaceful villages along the roads as well as the farmhouses which looked over 100 years old." Liu told reporters that the kindness of the rural residents and their simple life style deeply appealed to Michael Jackson.

"While he was walking on the blue slate road in Yongmo Village, he looked curiously at the infants in arms, greeted the kids in the village, and took photos with the old ladies basking in the sunshine." said Liu.

Two photos of Michael Jackson with the kids of Yongmo Village later appeared in his autobiography.

Visiting Sun Yat-sen's former residence

As part of the tour, Michael Jackson also came to the village of Cuiheng in the town of Nanlang to visit Sun Yat-sen's former residence and the Guangdong Sun Yat-sen Memorial Middle School.

Before he came to China, he did not know much about Sun Yat-sen. "In Sun's former residence, he was quite interested in the Chinese architecture. He asked me about Sun's life story, and seemed to admire him."

The picture of Sun wearing a "Chinese tunic suit" also aroused Michael's curiosity, and he inquired about the origin and design of the outfit. "It has been said that he commissioned tailors to design some 'Chinese tunic suits' for him when he returned to Hong Kong, and took the suits back with him to the US."

Michael's consideration deeply touched Liu. "After he returned to Hong Kong, he commissioned his agent to mail me a group photo of us, which he signed."

The photos mailed to Liu include group photos of Michael with the kids and the elderly residents in Yongmo Village, which Liu later brought back to the village.

These photos are still well preserved and prominently displayed by the villagers in their houses.

"For us, this is a beautiful memory, and Jackson captured it for us. Although he has gone, we can still look at the photos and recall Michael's kindness and friendliness. He is a unique superstar, and we will remember him forever."



A grandson's memory

"in december 1997, my maternal grandparents, joseph and concetta delisi, were on an american airlines flight from JFK to LAX. sitting coach, they were visiting my family for christmas.

a couple of hours into the flight, my grandma (literally) falls ill. what started as a stomach ache, ended with granny fainting and tumbling into the aisle.

when she awakes, hovering above (next to my grandpa) and holding out his hand, michael jackson.

“are you o.k.?” mj asked, in his delicate voice.

he helps grandma up, and invites my grandparents to join him in first class. they accept.

while grandma rests, grandpa enjoys first class service and chats it up with jacko. they discuss family, food, and italy (gramps favorite subjects.)

upon landing, michael offers to drive my grandparents from LAX to my folks house (in the valley.) once again, they accept.

with grandma getting pushed through the airport in wheelchair, they make their way to MJ's limo. however, in an effort to dodge paparazzi, they're forced to make three limo transfers by jackson's security.

once settled and on the 405N, michael pops-in one of his favorite movies (at the time,) men in black. they watch it together.

once they arrive at my childhood home, mom opens the front door to find my grandparents standing on the stoop, with michael jackson behind them (holding their bags.)

MJ enters the house, puts the bags down, and stands in front of the christmas tree. he is enamored by its beauty and the “family spirit” in the home.

my mom, in utter shock, FAILS to grab a camera to document the event, instead invites michael jackson back for a christmas party. he politely declines, returns to his limo, and heads to neverland ranch.

while a photograph was never taken, he left our family with an amazing memory, one that showed us michael jackson's heart, soul, and genuine kindness.

oh, and this first class menu he signed on the plane: "

michael jackson


VH 1 Crime Scene

This is a 30 minutes show that VH1 aired a couple of weekes ago.It is a small recap of what happened on June 25 2009 and how the police handled the investigation.It has a graphic and rather painfull content so if you can't deal with this please don't watch the videos.

Part 1

Part 2



Katherine has told Alejandra Genevieve Oaziaza -- who is currently living at the estate, along with two of her kids by Randy Jackson and two others by Jermaine Jackson -- that she must take the kids and move out of the estate next week, because supervising seven
children is just too much for the 79-year-old grandmother.

But don't think Katherine is heartless. It's the opposite. She's moving Alejandra, along with Jaafar, Jermajesty, Donte and Randy Jr. to a San Fernando Valley condo owned by the estate.

The move is related to the stun gun incident last month. Some people suggested that Jaafar pointed the gun at two of Michael's kids, but the family denies that.

Anyway the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services came to the estate, took the gun and interviewed people in the home , and it became apparent seven kids were too much...

Huge deal with Cirque du Soleil

The executors for Michael Jackson 's estate have signed a huge deal with Cirque du Soleil .

Co-executor John Branca tells said that the first show will open in the 4th quarter of 2011 -- and will travel throughout North America.

The show will be heavily focused on dancing -- honoring the legendary moves of MJ. It will also feature Jackson's songs and have the trademark Cirque du Soleil acrobatics.

In 2012, a second show -- in partnership with MGM MIRAGE -- will open in Las Vegas which will be far more theatrical with emphasis on technology and 3D.

Cirque and the estate will split costs and profits 50-50.


MJ's Bodyguard Answering Fans Questions

Bill Whitfield, MJ's bodyguard who was interviewed along with 2 other bodyguards on GMA awhile ago is answering fans questions on Facebook.

Q: If you were the only people working for Michael at that time who did the cooking? I read somewhere I think it was Teddy Riley or Akon said that Michael would cook for his children when the recorded songs in London.

- MJ did prepare meals for his kids.

Q: So he cooked or opened a tv dinner?

- lol...Cooked

- We called MJ SIR and he would say "you guys dont have to call me SIR" we would then say ok SIR, he started laughing.

Q: Hello Bill, did MJ watch much tv? What were his favorite programs? We know he loved to read also...when he find time in the day (or nite) to read?

- He didnt do Much TV, if at all.

Q: Hi guys, was wondering, did you ever see or hear Michael working on his music or dancing. Either at home or in the studio? Did he work on his music a lot?

- Yes, we built his studio and dance floor in his house. We heard him personice all the time. It was amazing to listen to him, many times at 3am.

- We made the dance studio Sound Proof.

Q: I saw a vid of MJ shopping in moistmen menswear shop on melrose..he comes out alone with no Bguards and cant find his car...one of you guys is waiting in the car i think were you around then? Mj was so gracious do you remember this? Did he often shop alone?

- He would shop alone but security was always around.

Q: Hi Bill! I Have a silly question. Since MJ wasn't surrounded by a large entourage and/or staff, who took care of the small stuff like buying groceries, or shopping for everyday stuff? Did you guys help w/ that? I can't picture MJ shopping for his toothpaste, deodorant, etc LOL Have a good one!

- We did that, we also took him shopping a few times.

Q: Were there any down sides to the job at all?

- Not being paid for 4 Months!

- Not once did we ever think about leaving MJ and his kids, we knew it wasnt his fault. I cant get into who's fault it was right now.

Q: Hey Bill, I was wondering if you guys knew Dr Murray? There are several stories about how Michael got to know him, about when he got to know him and so on. Would you mind share with us about what you recollect (if at all)?

- Im sorry, I didnt mean to skip your question, Yes we know Dr.Murray however we can speak on that matter at this time but I will speak on it soon.

Q: I trust you Bill, but I don't understand why you don't want to answer some of the question here because you'll be talking about them in the book, however you don't mind answering other questions you also will be talking about in the book. To be clearer; why don't you want to answer here any question about his girlfriends?

- Questions such as what? I get questions every 2-3 minutes every day, I can't answer everyone or every question.

- Its not that we dont wanna answer questions about his female friends, its NOT about them, its about MJ. Who they are shouldnt matter.

Q: Did he ever pull pranks on anyone?

- Yes, he did pull pranks and we will mention in book.

Q: The story about the fan in the house and Michael's reaction made me laugh so much...thanks so much for sharing these little stories and bits of info.

- MJ told me this, it happened at Neverland while MJ was away, the fan was in the house while everyone was way.

- No, she couldnt get thru the house cause of the security system, she stayed in a closet in the kitchen area.

Q: Bill, do you know any of Michael's friends like Karen Faye, Michael Lee Bush, Frank Cascio, Omer Bhatti or Shana Mangatal?

- I know frank Casio, I've only heard of the other ppl.

Q: You mentioned about MJ that your book will be heartbreaking due to what you will write and how you will write it.

- It will only be heartbreaking when we talk about how lonely MJ was and how horrible ppl treated him.

Q: I think michael was a sweetheart. being portrayed as something he was not.

- Thats why we are going to clear things up!

Q: I have another one: When does the book come out? I mean are you still working on it? Is there a certain due date?

- We are trying for August 29..We are trying for August but we are waiting to see what mr.halperins documentry is about.

Q: Hi, Was easy to work with Michael?

- Yes, but his managers made hard sometimes

Q: One more question...when you worked for him, did he have a large entourage working for him? Or was it just you guys (security) and the nanny, and his cook? Thanks!

- Just 3 security, nanny wasnt around much, He prepared food for his kids...Differnt things, we'll get into that in the book. FYI there was a cook on occassion but MJ prepared his kids food at leaste 3-4 times a week

- Oh yes, we will have many stories about MJs sense of humor, he laughed alot and joked around. He once gave security some food but before he did he put exstremly, exstremly HOT PEPPERS on the food and watched security run around looking for water.

Q: What was it like working with MJ? I bet it was wonderful. Not because of who he is, but for his personality. I love Michael with all of my heart. He is a true person. He cared about everyone. And I wish he was still here. Sometimes I think he is because I can feel him around me at the times

- I cant answer that in detail because of writing a book, but i will say there was NOTHING like it in the world.

Q: After reading the little story about the fan I want to ask you if you are planning on doing a chapter with short little stories like that? I think that would say so much about his character!

- Of course, that's what it's really about. The true personal side of him.

- Thank you so much for that, I started working for him on December 22, 2006

Q: Yesterday was such a joke at court!

- What did you expect?..You must understand, its a High Profile case, they're going to drag it out....Either way its NOT going to bring MJ back, I also believe more ppl should be held accountable....To me MJs real justice will come from those that Defend his honor! No matter what happens in a courtroom only WE as fans and friends of MJ can bring him real justice by defending his name against those that continue to print stories about him that are 100% false.

- Yes I do. I also have a degree in Criminal Justice, Business Management and my Masters in Security Management. I graduated from the U.S.Secret Service training academy. I've coordinated security for: Grammy awards, Oscar Awards, American Music awards, MTV/VH1 awards, Motown and Bad Boys records. No other security detail compares to working for Mr.Jackson. He taught me alot..... MJ and his kids were in the best of hands. No one has ever breached my security detail, and it would have been a very bad day if someone tried.

Q: Hi Bill, did you know Elizabeth Taylor? You and your team will talk about her, mention her in the book?

- We don't expect to mention her in the book, however that may change. she was one of MJs close friends, we never met but we did speak via telephone.

Q: Bill, you and your team will speak in the book about the hobbies of MJ, his personal tastes, for example what are his favorite books, what he liked to read, what his favorite classic movies, you know what the movie of Elizabeth Taylor that he most liked?

- Yes we will talk about that.

- Hello to all the MJ loyal fan base. I just wanted to give everyone a update on the book, things are being put on hold for a minute so that we can see and hear what Idiot Halperin is going to say about MJ in his upcoming doc so we can clear the air and set the record straight about MJ.

Q: I just wanted to ask if you were going to include the topic of vitiligo in your book. theres a lot of ppl and sadly fans who believe mj wanted to be white and refuse to believe that he really had the disease.....even though the autopsy clearly states he did have vitiligo

- Honestly, we were not going to get into MJ's medical condition, its really not about that....... Everyone Please Understand. The book we are writing is about Mr.Jackson, not the figure the media portrayed. I want his fans to know when he was Happy, when he laughed and sometimes when he did cry. He was a damn good father, a caring and passionate man. I was not privy to his medical condition, even if I was I would NEVER speak of it.

- We were looking to release book around the anniversary of MJ's moving to another life, but since some idiot is releasing a doc on the same day we are putting things on hold to see whats its about so we can cover the false info with the truth. Maybe around his birthday.

Q: Will the Jackson Estate and the family be able to see the book first?

- We will seek Mrs.Jackson blessing when book is finished.

Q: You guys know that Haperin's book is a bunch of crap. Please straighten out the garbage he tried to sell about MJ and night trips out. I think that says enough and you know what I am talking about...

- That BS about MJs night trips is something I'm taking very personal. Not on my watch did anything like that ever, ever happen. I'm looking forward to meeting Ms.Haperin one day.

- I was with MJ everyday while he was in vegas, who ever is publishing that book needs to get a refund.

Q: Any thoughts on the firing of Alberto Alvarez by the Jacksons? We appreciate your insight so much.

- Honestly I do have thoughts and insight on that situation but due to legal reasons I cannot share them at this time

Q: So, i'm just curious about the book you are going to publish.. What will the income of the book go to?

- We have a list of 10 different charities that MJ supported. We also want to build a memorial display of him in Vegas because he loved Vegas....Yes the charities will be listed, as for being descete there is no other way to be in honor of my former boss, he deserves nothing less.

Q: Random question........dont have to answer if you dont want are you gonna talk about romantic interests? just curious who he was cheating on me with lol jk

- He was not cheating on anyone..lol... we never said dating two ladies, we said he had two friends that he knew. ppl took that as something else....

- Ok, I see many of you have different feelings on what we should or shouldnt write about in the book. Please understand , his children want this, they want the world to know and see the side of their father the press and media never took the time to acknowledge. Its not about his Love life, its about his being happy and real. He would have loved towalked thru the mall with a "friend" and not be bothered by the media. He didnt put his personal life out there because he couldnt without being hounded by the press. This book is for his fans too, if you beleive and agree great, if you dont we are sorry but I assure you, if your a true MJ fan you will Love this book!

Q: Hey...what is your favorite MJ song? I love SMOOTH CRIMINAL!

- We have something in common, again! Best Song Ever!

Q: Hey Bill did MJ ever mentioned he liked more any song in particular, i mean one of his cause i know his fave song is Smile

- He listened to Classical music alot, he talked about life in general, things he wanted to do, healing the world through his music.

Q: Hi Bill. What was Michael's favorite flower?

- Honestly I don't know if he had a favorate flower, however I did buy white and red roses a few times at his request for the house.

Q: What did Michael like to talk about most?

- Healing the world though his music.

Q: I hope that this question doesn't sound too weird or too sad, but Mr. Whitfield, did you ever see Michael cry? And if you did, why did he?

- Yes, when something was printed about him that was false he was hurt.

Q: Was michael very vocal about his feelings. like sharing all his past memories? you don't have to expose much, but was he ever reminisent?

- He didnt talk much about his childhood, we always wondered why.

Q: Did Michael ever go to Disneyland with his children while you knew him? If he did, did he wear a disguise.

- Not while I was with him.

Q: was just wondering if you had any views about MJ before you started working for him and did these views change during your time spent with him? Eg were you a fan of his music and were you nervous meeting him?

- Wow, what a great question, one I promise to answer in the book. Sorry.

Q: Did Michael want to bring out a new album? Did you listen to songs that were not released..new stuff?

- He was always working on stuff, yes we've heard alot of unreleased music.

LOVE your statement about 'defending him in Death as I so proudly Protected him in Life'. It is truly heartwarming to see such loyalty for Michael - I'm so glad he and his kids had you guys - I just know he appreciated it!!

- Thank you, and yes he expressed his appreciation everyday.

Q: What is your most memorable Michael moment?

- LOL...to many to list. Everything he has ever said to me or did stays as memorable.

Q: Bill, did Michael participate in any recreational sports; such as, swimming, bowling, snow skiing, etc?. Did he like to attend any sporting events under your watch? If so, what were his favorite teams?

- Ive seen him watch golf.

Q: He watched golf? I wonder if he was a Tiger Woods fan? I think I read he had a basketball court, tennis court and Swimming pool! He must have been too busy with his dancing to enjoy any of those. Did you guys ever just kick back, drink some beers and watch the superbowl, NBA Championship, World Series or Stanley Cup?

- He pretty much had every movie ever made (LOL) while we were away in Virginia, somewhere deep, deep, deep in the woods we sometimes kicked back and watched a few movies together....he had the loudest laugh...good times.

Q: I have been curious as to how you three handled coverage for Michael. You all had to have days off occasionally- did you rotate, do shift changes? Two on , one off? How did that schedule work?

- DAYS OFF? We were the only three that knew where MJ was, we were the only three MJ trusted, there was no days off.

Q: Did Michael Have any pets while you were working with him and what were the names? Your interview talked about the cat named Katie

- Chocolate Lab, Kenya.

Q: Bill, I've read before that Michael was afraid of dogs. Is there any truth to that?

- He had no problem with dogs as we knew, The dog was a XMAS gift to Prince.

Q: I have read alot of places that Michael read his bible alot in the thriller era and I was wondering if you ever saw him reading the bible or pray?

- He read the bible daily.

Q: Could you share what MJ's religious beliefs was? Was he a Christian?

- No comment on that. Oh believe me I know where he stood religiously...Im just not getting into that.

Q: Bill, when was the last time you saw and/or spoke to Michael?

- 2 weeks before.

Q: Bill I dont' know if people have done this question before but do you know which or some favorites movies of Michael. Do you know if he liked to see romantic movies?

- He loved action movies, Spider Man, Transformers. He liked special effects.

Q: I know that Michael knew how to drive, but I am curious to know if Michael would drive while you were working for him. Would hope in the driver side and just drive?

- The only car MJ drove (on my watch) was the bumper cars at the amusment park.

Q: Did michael have a favorite song? if so, i wonder what?

Another fan replies: Yes it was the song SMILE by Charlie Chaplin

Another fan replies: Yes the one that Jermaine attempted to sing at his memorial...

- Attempted? wow thats funny..lol

Q: Please ,can you tell me if Michael always have sad eyes?In "This is it", i saw this, sadness in his eyes ... i'm wrong?

- He was sad alot.

- Now I said he was sad alot, but there were many times he laughed until it hurt. He laughed so loud while watching a movie and ppl were saying "dude shut up" they didnt know it was MJ.

Q: Oh, so did he go to the cinema to watch the movie?

- Yes we took him and the kids to regular movies, though no one knew he was there( thats cause my team is good) He and his children laughed, smiled and played alot.....outside of his children MJ was sad and hurt from being accussed of those things, he had to defend himself, where in the HELL was his so called music & hollywood friends?! Its ok because in my book I'm going to put them ALL on blast!!

Tell it like it is Bill! All of those phony "friends" at his memorial - who did they think they were fooling???

- They didnt fool me, but they will get special attention in my book.

Q: I remember reading in a book that Michael requested Subway sandwiches at times some years ago. Was that the truth or is that incorrect?

- I took him to subway a few times, he loved it.

Q: did you saw MJ flirting with girls alot? was he a natural flirt or just avoided the whole thing cause of his shyness?

- I was not going to answer this but I'll give u guys a little. Yes, MJ was very charming, he did flirt from time to time. Sometimes he would ask me to get someones number or ask do I think someone is cute. It was so funny to watch dude flirt. I tell women I meet that I have a dog, I would hear MJ tell women he has a Zoo! how do you top someone that has a Zoo?

Q: Hi can you tell us honestly, is it true that MJ was lonely and unhappy and he was looking for a love?

- I cant say he was looking for love, he just wanted peace and live a normal life.

Q: When Michael asked you to get someone's number what would he tell the girl? That he is calling coz she is pretty lol?

- I cant get into that....yet

Q: Hi Bill, have you heard that Cirque du Soleil is going to be creating a Michael Jackson show?

- I think its GREAT! He would have (excuse me) he will love it!

Q: Hi Bill, having so many interesting experiences with Michael, how will you decide what to include in your book and what to leave out?

- Being seeing the questions here on FB will help me decide what the fans want to know.

Q: Bill will you talk about Michael's disguises and where he would go in the book?

- Yes.

A fan replies: Mike wuz always crazy with the disguises...lots o times all you had to do wuz look at his feet: once you see loafers n white sox it doesnt take a genius to figure out who he was.

- You are do right about those loafers and white sox, i told him that many times but he didn't believe me, I also said " Sir, ppl know your walk" Its a big give away.

Q: I see you don't have a girlfriend huh Bill? Hey Bill, how did you ever socialize or date, if you were with MJ 24/7? Did you go on double dates?

- No girlfriend yet, honestly me and my team put our personal lives on hold, we enjoyed seeing MJ lead a normal life at times. There was nothing better then to see him and his kids laughing, joking and lighing fireworks, he loved his fireworks! oops, thats too much info.

Q: Hmmm Fireworks Huh? Why is that too much info? What kinda fireworks you referring too? LOL

- The 4th of July kind! He was setting them off weeks before and weeks after the 4th of july.

Q: Did he talked to you or to the kids about us, his fans? did he know how much we love him?

- Yes, he spoke of his fans many times in very good ways, however he was (as well as security) very cautious about which fans ment well, remember a fan killed John Lennon.

Q: may we know what perfume Mj wears? Did he ever ask you to get perfume bottles for him?

- Yves Saint Laurent, Cartier, Armani...just to name a few.

A fan replies: I believe they said he was wearing "Black Orchid" during TTI rehearsals.

- Black Orchid as well.

Q: Bill, it was known in the past that Michael loved to talk on the phone! Did he still talk on the phone for hours and hours?

- $3,000 monthly cell phone bill, What do you think?

Q: did MJ have a twitter account?

- No twitter, he had a face book though.

(According to someone Bill had replied to the account's been removed by now)

Q: Bill, we know that Michael liked art, and loved to collect them, and that he also did drawing, sketching. Do you know if he kept up with that?

- Yes he sketched from time to time.

Q: Bill Michael read Showbiz magazines and newspaper not tabloides?

- Rob Report, Wall street, Mens fashion

Q: Hey Mr Whitfield, while you were with Michael, did he ever practice Martial arts while you were working for him?

- He trained in the art.

Q: Hi Bill, I wonder if Michael used to go outdoors, if he spent some time in forests, by the rivers...some trips into real nature...

- all the time while in virginia. Sept 08-Nov 08.

Q: Did Michael and his children like the Lord of the Rings trilogy?

- oh yes, he had the DVD collection.

Q: Before you worked for Michael, were you a fan? Did you ever attend any of his concerts?

- I was a fan since the Jackson 5 signed with MOTOWN RECORDS! honestly thats the one thing I regret, I never seen him in concert, I told him that and he promised me Im gonna love the show in London Its ok because I was blessed with watching and hearing him rehearse at home. Nothing can ever compare to that!

Q: i wanna make a list of celebrities that actually stood by him during the dark times: Donald Trump, Chris Tucker, Liz Taylor, Whoopi Goldberg, Rick James, Stephanie Mills, Dick Gregory, Brett Ratner

A fan replies: Missy, Whitney, Stevie.......idkwho else

- You named someone that MJ really hated, Im not gonna say who at this time.

Q: really? i know they all defended him tho

- so you may think!

- He and Whoopi were cool.

Q: silent on donald i see.....so he hated donald?

- lol, they were cool too...thats all Im saying on this matter.

Darren Hayes tweeted about Michael Jackson recording "Fall Again"

On Monday 31st May 2010, @darrenhayes said:

For Michael Jackson fans - This is an untold story of my almost encounter with the King and how M.J inspired me.

Fans of my music will be familiar with my song 'Insatiable'. It was co-written and produced with Walter Afanasieff. What many people don't know is that I wrote my song as a reaction to and after having been inspired by a song that Walter and Alan Thicke wrote for Michael back in '99 called 'Fall Again'.

Here is Michael's demo version


The story goes like this.

When I was recording the Savage Garden album 'Affirmation' with Walter in 1999 at his studio in San Francisco, he played me a demo of the song 'Fall Again' which at that time had Robin Thicke's vocals on it. Walter and Robin had intended to submit the song to M.J for his 'Invincible' album project.

I was completely in awe and all I could hear was Michael.
At the time, Walter told me he wasn't sure if Michael would be interested but as a fan I had a feeling that when M.J heard it he'd respond like I had. It reminded me of the lushness of classic Michael songs like 'Human Nature'.
I knew M.J would kill it.

Sure enough, the song got to Michael and he loved it and agreed to cut a demo of it.
Slight hitch? The only time M.J had available was when Walter was booked in with me to finish the vocals for the Savage Garden album 'Affirmation'.

Walter decided he could record both sessions and so we flew to New York and
I recorded in the mornings with Walter at Sony Studios and he then left in the afternoon to record Michael Jackson at The Hit Factory in the afternoon literally across
the street.

The version in this post is the one and only time Michael ever sang the song. One take. He hadn't even had a chance to learn the song properly (and what an amazing job he did!).

The day he recorded Michael Walter came back to my session at Sony Studios about 2 hours later beaming. He spoke in glowing terms about Michael, about his voice, about his politeness and talent. And what touched me the most was he told me that Michael's children (Prince and Paris) were at the session and M.J had set up a t.v monitor in his recording booth so he could see the children playing with the Nanny in another room while he was singing. The session was cut short because the children were poorly and Michael wanted to be a good Dad and tend to them. He apparently apologised and left the session after only one take.

I never heard Michael's version until it was released many years later (even though Walter knew I was a massive fan he respected M.J's privacy and never played it to me). But I had remembered the feeling and the magic of the song from the first time I heard Robin Thicke's vocal and so when it came time for me to record my first solo album, I asked Walter to try and write a song with the same energy with me. That's how we wrote 'Insatiable'.

It's amazing to hear Michael's demo version of 'Fall Again' so many years later and be in awe of his artistry. Michael is the reason I became a performer (having seen his 'Bad' tour in 1987 and knowing in an instant that performing was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life). Listening to his records taught me how to sing. I'm proud that years later in my own career there are pieces of him in my work. And although he is not with us anymore, I like to think that little spark he ignited in me as an artist is part of his legacy.

Sorry if this was long and sappy - but I know there are M.J fans out there who would appreciate this story. I'd always wanted to tell it. And today I did.


Documents about the estate

Summary of the Documents

- The estate is first established in 1995 to transfer the ownership of MJ's assets (at that time MJ's children weren't beneficiaries) - It shows us that the estate planning started quite early.

- During his lifetime Michael made changes to the trust as he wanted , added assets etc. During his lifetime Micheal also got income from the assets included in the trust.

- Trust was also set to provide for Michael if he became physically or mentally incapacitated any time.

- Charities (determined in IRS code as for educational purposes, encouragement of art, prevention of cruelty against children or animals) getting 20% and the charities who will be getting money is going to be determined by Branca, McClain and Katherine Jackson. In the document it is also said that MJ's intent by leaving money to charities is " to benefit children". So most probably the committee (Branca , McClain and Katherine) will choose children charities. Trust also allows the estate to form a children's charity and give the money to the charity they have established.

- After charity share is deducted estate is to pay federal/state/ inheritance taxes.

- The distribution states is like this : If MJ had children they get 50% and his mother gets 50%. If he didn't have any children all of his estate would have gone to his mother. If he didn't have children and his mother didn't survive, his 6 cousins would get the money.

- Debbie is left out , just as in the will.

- Katherine is provided for her lifetime from the net income (the principal is kept). After her death her share goes back to MJ's kids and his grandkids. If none are alive , his 6 cousins become the beneficiaries.

- Until they are 21 the children are also getting shares from the net income. When 21 they can apply for their benefit - meaning when they are 21 they can request to get their full share (in other words get the money from the estate and the executors). If they do such a request they get 1/3 of the principal when they are 30, 1/2 of the principal when they are 35 and remainder of it when they are 40.

- If they die before getting their shares, their money goes to their kids (MJ's grandkids). If they don't have kids their shares goes to their brothers and sister equally.

- If the estate doesn't have enough net income to cover the living expenses of the beneficiaries, they can provide money to the beneficiaries from/through the principal.

- It also says that they can request and get additional money if they want to buy a house, for their education, marriage and start a business etc regardless of their age. (The executors duty is to make sure that the business they want to start is reasonably sound. After that the kids are not kept responsible if the business fails).

- Interesting tidbit: If none of the beneficiaries survive (KJ, MJ's kids and MJ's grandkids and his cousins and his cousins kids) -not really likely to happen - the estate goes to Michael's heirs by law. Meaning any living family member by order.

- Interesting provision : In the case of minor children executors can give money for the care of this children directly to them (and not to the guardian) if they choose. Also if the executors are giving the money to the guardian of the children they can request documents showing how the money is spent.

- Trust provisions are set to follow the laws.

- Simply put executors get the power to manage the estate - quite common. No special powers.

- and bombshell - if no executors remain to look after the estate (and they don't determine the next group of executors), NATIONSBANK - in other words BANK OF AMERICA is named as the executor of the estate.

- If a Bank is the executor of the estate, his children when they are adults (18) could change the bank that's the executor.

- About the fees of the executors it says "executors can pay themselves reasonable compensation without court order".

- Executors can also give accounting of what they do to the beneficiaries. And beneficiaries have the right to disagree with this accounting (earnings, spendings).

What we have learned

- This is a really good trust document. It's really planned for the future.

- It's obvious that Michael did not want his family as executors. To me this is quite apparent by the naming of Bank of America as the alternative executor.

- The children can get the full money / full shares. All other things said were speculation.

- Giving money in a partial format when they are 30/35/40 is very well thought. It ensures that the children will not have money issues/ go bankrupt. (we know several famous heirs that are penniless).

- Even though children only get shares from net income until they are 30, they can get additional money for expenses such as education, getting a house, marrying and opening their business. Michael thought about his children very well.

- Also if required giving minor children's money directly also very good as well as giving executors the option to ask how the money spent is good too. Guardian (whoever they might be in the present or future) cannot spend money for other things than MJ's kids.

- I hope the talk about executor's fees stops now - by the trust documents they could have determined their fees on their own but they went to a judge.

- Also this document shows what I have been saying all along, executors do not have unlimited power, they can't do whatever they want. If requested (currently by Katherine and the children's lawyer and later by children when they turn 18) executors are to give the accounting of the business deals, money earned and spent to the beneficiaries. The beneficiaries (MJ's kids and his mother) is protected against fraud and intentional wrongdoing by the executors.




Thalia a big Michael's fan

Video 1

Video 2

michael jackson

Katheine Jackson's book

If you want to see how it is this book before you buy it just follow this link:

Never can say goodbye


An Interview With Gloria Rhodes, Michael Jackson's Neverland Real Estate Agent

by R.J. on Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I had an opportunity to interview Michael Jackson's Neverland Real Estate Agent via electronic mail(E-Mail). She has recently written a book revealing more then just that-They were the best of friends!

Yet even so she does reveal some exclusive tidbits on what went on over 20 years ago-the exact details in endeavoring to search for the palace of his dreams!

But before you go out and grab a copy of her book, go ahead a read my exclusive interview with Gloria Rhodes...
An Interview With Neverland's Broker
R.J. In your book, you mentioned that Michael was very definite about what he wanted. Were there any other ranches Michael seriously considered before aiming solely at Neverland?

Gloria "The answer is positively not. He knew exactly what he wanted and had actually been on this ranch before. The only thing was that he didn’t know where it was located. We had to find it. The other thing is that when Michael fell in love with something he would get it."

R.J. You’ve mentioned that William Bone originally asked for $32million and what he was being offered was a disgrace. What ultimately made him change his mind when he was offered $17 million?

Gloria "I completed my negotiations at $17mm and then, at their insistence, turned the transaction over to John Branca, Frank De Leo and Marshall Gelfand and I understand that negotiations may have continued between them and William Bone, but I was not informed of the outcome. I have heard that Bill Bone is suing the Michael Jackson estate for an additional payment that is allegedly due him from the recent sale of a majority interest in the Neverland Ranch – but this is rumor and I haven’t been able to confirm it."

R.J. Legend has it that Michael had both written and produced a track called “Neverland Landing”. Do you know anything about that?

Gloria "It’s quite possible he did although I never heard it. Michael had many different types of “landings” at Neverland. Once he arrived in a hot air balloon. Another time he and his friends parachuted into Neverland! I also saw him jump from the roof into a tree. My heart almost left my body and I told him it was very very dangerous. I told his father of his antics and he said 'Don’t be surprised at anything Michael does. He is as agile as a monkey. Michael knows how to take care of himself.' I decided to say no more."

R.J. How did you feel when Michael Jackson made a statement on 60 Minutes that Neverland is just a house but is no longer a home?

Gloria "I was devastated when I heard Michael say that because I knew Neverland was where he had spent the happiest 15 years of his life. It really broke my heart that he felt that way. His big dream was to build a paradise for children and that had been turned into an evil thing by the media. His dreams were completely crushed."

R.J. There was a rumor going around that Mr. Jackson wanted to start all over on another ranch in an undisclosed location. Is any of that true to your knowledge?

Gloria "At one time he thought of opening up a theme park in Albany, New York. I met him in New York and we went scouting up there. The area in general was not to his liking. Michael was a designer. He knew exactly what he wanted. Another location I showed him was a ranch in the Antelope Valley called Rancho Valyermo in Peach Blossom. The ranch was owned by Ruth Yardun and her sons. However, the ranch was very small and in the middle of the desert. It would not have worked for his animals."



Neverland-ul was Michael's creation, the place where you can see Michael's imagination at work, it's a dream land that transforms any adult into a kid and makes any kid laught...

michael jackson
michael jackson
michael jackson
michael jackson
michael jackson
michael jackson
michael jackson

Source:Architectural Digest

Wild, wild west

Michael and the western style (video)

Michael Jackson's mum remembers her son a year on and reveals what life is like for his children

By Dennis Ellam

michael jackson

The world remembers its biggest superstar... and three children mourn the father they adored.

Nearly one year on from the death of Michael Jackson, his mother Katherine talks today for the first time about bringing up his daughter and two sons - and how the family still struggle with their private grief.

His daughter Paris, 12, has turned her bedroom into a shrine to her "Daddy", where she is surrounded by his photographs.

And his boys Prince, 13, and eightyear-old Blanket bravely talk about wanting to make him proud - and then lapse into silent moments, when they are missing him. All three spend hours listening to their father's hits.

Katherine says: "They don't have any friends. They don't go to school, they have private lessons at home - but that will change in September, when they are due to enrol at private college. But they have their cousins and aunts and uncles around them constantly, and that's helped them immensely.

"To them, it's normal, it's the life they have known. They have a certain time to go to bed, then they get up and get dressed for lessons. They practise karate and swim, which they love.

It is 80-year-old Katherine's first interview since her son died of suspected cardiac arrest at his Beverly Hills home on June 25 last year. "Each one of them is like Michael in a certain way," she says. "It has been a daily battle to cope with our huge loss."

The children moved in with their grandmother, when she was appointed their legal guardian.

Now, with the anniversary of his death looming, she tells how they are slowly coming to terms with what happened.

It is his daughter, she reveals, who is showing real musical talent - and who expresses her sadness in the most poignant way.

"I wanted to hang pictures of flowers or ballerinas in Paris's room, the sort of things I expected a girl would like," Katherine says.

"But she went into a closet and she brought out seven or eight pictures of Michael, and she told me, 'No, I want daddy hanging in my room'. So she goes to bed looking at him and wakes up looking at him. She said, 'I always want to be able to see him'.

"Paris has that lovely way, just like him, and I see his talent in her. Whatever she does, she is very good at it. She's a good artist, she plays the piano and she wants to be an actress.

"Prince is serious about a lot of things. He wants to be a camera-man or produce movies.

"He is dedicated to that, like Michael was. And Blanket is very playful, like Michael was."

It was always thought the children had a bizarre upbringing with their father. Shielded from the world in masks or under umbrellas, it sometimes seemed like they were all part of some freakish circus show.

In fact, Katherine insists, Michael never wanted them exposed to his pressurised showbiz world. He never told them he was a huge star and they didn't realise he was, until the day he took them to the show celebrating his 30 years as an entertainer, in 2001. "He said, 'I never told them what I do'," she recalls. "He didn't want them to know... He didn't want them walking around with egos! So when they went to the 30th show, the two little ones were in the audience. Michael got backstage and they said, 'You're a big star! When I grow up, I want to be like you!' Michael said that gave him the biggest chuckle."

In the turmoil after his death, it seemed the Jackson family was being torn apart by bitter accusations.

Only recently Katherine's husband Joe - accused of being a brutal father - claimed that she was to blame for Michael's death, because she refused to tell him to change his lifestyle. Michael would have listened to her if she had intervened, Joe complained, because he was a mummy's boy. Katherine always kept her own counsel, but she has compiled a book of family pictures and anecdotes that, she says, will tell the truth about Michael and, hopefully, silence the malicious gossip.

As part of her research, she returned to their hometown of Gary, Indiana, to the house where the children grew up, on a road now called Jackson Street.

She says: "It was such an emotional visit. I saw fans taking pictures in front of the house - I know Michael would have been happy to see them."

The tears well up, as she recalls days long gone and the way fame and success tormented her son in his later years.

"Michael was so misunderstood," she says. "I treasure my memories of him and wanted to share them with his fans in my book. I remember when he brought gifts for me - a watch, a necklace and a ring. I'll never forget how he smiled when I opened each one. He was so generous. I want the world to know that real Michael Jackson - a loving person.

"Many doubt that, because of the child molestation accusation falsely laid on him, but in truth it was just greedy people after money. The first child, Jordan Chandler, whose father accused Michael, ended up saying he regretted not getting a chance to say sorry to Michael. Then the father committed suicide - I think his conscience was bothering him."

One year on, with Michael's doctor Conrad Murray facing charges of involuntary manslaughter, Katherine also says she has never accepted that her son died of natural causes. "He was too young for that. I heard from people that he was taking prescription drugs but I never saw my son in any way drugged... he was always himself. If I could see him again, I would want to know one thing, 'Who did this to you?'" She recalls the last big family gathering - three weeks before Michael's death - at a dinner to celebrate Katherine and Joe's 60th wedding anniversary, in his favourite Indian restaurant Chakra, in Beverly Hills. It was, she says, the happiest occasion you could imagine.

Now, they are preparing to gather again - this time sombrely at Michael's grave, in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Los Angeles, for his own poignant anniversary. It has been, Katherine says, a year of such sorrow, demanding extraordinary strength from the family.

Only last week there was yet another crisis, when Michael's younger brother Randy was rushed to hospital with a suspected heart attack, from which he is currently recovering.

As Katherine says: "I hope that the next year will be better for us all. Michael's death brought us closer and I want us to be even closer still. I know Michael would have wanted that, too."

Never Can Say Goodbye: The Katherine Jackson Archives, containing unseen photos of Michael, can be ordered now from Jacksonsecretvault.com. Sunday Mirror readers can claim a 35% discount before June 30 by quoting the code MJMirror. Proceeds to be split between Katherine, Michael's children and the Voices Against Brain Cancer charity.


Kai Chase is the woman who worked as a personal chef for Michael Jackson and his children in their rented Holmby Hills mansion in LA for four months before Jackson died last June.

In a recent interview Chase talked about what it was like inside the Jackson's home and about the children that became so special to her.
Chase recalled, "Paris is a huge lover of animals and nature, so we dug a vegetable patch and snuck out at night with flashlights to gather enough snails to build a snail farm."

"Prince, who was then 12, loved to read and was really into movies. He spent hours making animation films using apples in the kitchen.

"And Blanket was hilarious. Michael built a movie theatre for the kids and had movie nights for them. He liked them to watch black and white movies and little Blanket got really into the 1930s gangster film The Public Enemy. He'd run up to me in the kitchen, pretending to be James Cagney, mimicking his gangster voice perfectly. It was hilarious, especially as he was only seven."

Chase says that Michael would spend hours planning "Daddy Time" with the children and that the four of them loved to play practical jokes on her. On one occasion she says, the children beckoned her into the kitchen, saying, "Your boyfriend is here."

"I went in and they had dressed one of Mr Jackson's mannequins. It was so life-like and made me jump so high. Mr. Jackson was hiding behind the chair and jumped out, saying, 'Gotcha! He loved practical jokes."

"Those few months were so happy. Mr. Jackson was an almost Willy Wonka-style father, with his crazy sense of fun," Chase said.

She talked about how Paris cried tears of joy on one occasion when her Daddy planned a special surprise for her eleventh birthday, just two months before his death.

"Mr. Jackson had paid for members of the circus troupe Cirque du Soleil to perform throughout the house and garden. It was magical and one of the security team filmed the whole day. I know Paris keeps that tape close to her heart and watches it to remind her of her Daddy."

Chase, who has no kids of her own, revealed that the children have given her what they call a "Box Of Happiness" - a hand decorated shoebox that holds a stack of their letters, thanking her for cooking for them, for bringing them gifts and for being their friend.

She says, "I'll keep these letters close to my heart for as long as I live. They're incredibly special."

Source: thesun.co.uk

This is it outfits

Michael's look changed again in 2009 with an introduction to fashion stylist Rushka Bergman, and it is her work that is mostly front and center in the film, as Michael Jackson's everyday clothes end up as his de facto costumes.

A pint-sized powerhouse from Serbia who says things like “forever daaahling,” Bergman first met Michael Jackson when she styled him in Dior Homme for the October 2007 issue of Italian L'Uomo Vogue.

michael jackson

Some might say it was the beginning of his comeback when she put him in Hedi Slimane's slim-line suits, fashionable at the time with Mick Jagger, Beck, Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth, Alex Kapranos of Franz Ferdinand and nearly every other credible male rocker.

The morning of the film's premiere, Bergman pulled out snapshots of Michael Jackson trying on clothes at his house, and called him her


because he fit into anything, including women's clothes. She emphasized his sex appeal

“He's sooooooo sexxxy!”,

which comes into focus in the film.

“When he wears Balmain on screen, you say, ‘Wow!' “

she said.

michael jackson

In the film, Michael Jackson looks fabulous much of the time, there are a few more relaxed shirts and patched sweat pants that could well be the influence of L.A. fashion impresario Christian Audigier, who had approached Michael Jackson about collaborating on a line.

But more often, you notice sharp tailoring and light-reflecting color. In a Tom Ford tuxedo worn during dancer auditions, skinny orange Dior Homme jeans, a red leather Balmain motorcycle jacket with crystal-studded shoulders worn during the “Thriller” rehearsal and a Balmain suede military jacket worn with Alessandro Dell'Acqua gold sequin pants, Michael Jackson looks powerful and contemporary.


michael jackson

michael jackson

“Seeing the clothing Rushka had selected, you could see Michael's influence,”

said Travis Payne, assistant director and choreographer for the This Is It performances.

In recent years, pop stars have turned to fashion designers for costumes with increasing regularity, with Kylie Minogue choosing Jean Paul Gaultier for her recent North American tour, and Beyoncé enlisting Thierry Mugler.

Payne wanted to bring fashion relevance to Michael Jackson's on-stage persona too, so he solicited sketches from several designers, including John Galliano and Alexander McQueen.

Ultimately, New York-based fashion and costume designer Zaldy was tapped. Having worked with the Scissor Sisters and Gwen Stefani, while producing his own clothing line, he bridged the worlds of music and fashion.

Jackson was to have 10 costumes by Zaldy and six by Bush and Tompkins.

Court hearing august 23rd

A preliminary hearing where prosecutors will lay out some of the evidence against a doctor charged in Michael Jackson's death will begin Jan. 4 in Los Angeles, a judge said Monday.

After the hearing, which is expected to last at least two weeks, Pastor will determine if there is enough evidence to order cardiologist Conrad Murray to stand trial.

The judge also granted the defences reqest for the fluid samples because they want to make they own tests.

michael jackson


august 29, 2010-Bucharest,Romania

michael jackson
Dancing the drill-AFI COTOCENI
Michael Jackson Alley-HERASTRU PARK


Michael in highschool

Michael Jackson during his highschool days at Montclair Prep School in Van Nuys, California...

michael jackson

In Photos: (Left- source: Christie's Auction) Michael and his classmates (right- source: Seth Poppel Year Book Library) Michael's Year Book Photo

'He was a super kid'

Sun Media's Parent goes back to Michael Jackson's school

VAN NUYS, CALIFORNIA -- A gated private school hidden far from the view of the paparazzi. It was here, on the campus of the Montclair College Preparatory School, that Michael Jackson had a fleeting glimpse of the life of a normal teenager.

Montclair Prep, as it is known, is nestled in the San Fernando Valley in the middle of nowhere. From the outside, the school could be mistaken for a bunker. Visitors have to speak through an intercom before being let in. Once inside, it's like being transported into an episode of Beverly Hills 90210.

Founded in 1953, the school has 400 students and has welcomed many children of the rich and famous. Cher fooled around with Sonny in the schoolyard here. Frank Sinatra Jr., Aaron Spelling's kids and those of Berry Gordy, the father of the Motown label, all went to Montclair. Sylvester Stallone's son (with his ever-present bodyguards) and Nicole Richie are all recent alumni.

However, their most famous student remains Michael Jackson. He came to the school when he was 14 and stayed two years (9th and 10th grade). His parents wanted him to have some semblance of a normal life. Tuition cost $5,000 back then and will set you back $16,000 today.

Jackson was already a star then, but he didn't let it show.

"He was a super kid," said the school's principal, Mark Simpson. "He was always making jokes; he wanted to be like everyone else. He seemed happy back then. As soon as he left the school walls he went back to being the superstar."

The young Jackson was a very good student, very curious and popular with the girls. He would even treat the school to some dance moves now and then.

"Michael wore a uniform like all the students, but we gave him a bit of freedom. He could have long hair," Simpson said.

The singer was constantly surrounded by his bodyguards, except while he was in class. "Every morning he was dropped off an hour before the start of classes by a chauffeur," Simpson said while looking through the 1973 yearbook. "He would go and see his friend Jon Blosdale, who would finish his homework at the last minute in his car. Sometimes he had to chase Michael away because he would push all the buttons and ask too many questions."

The yearbook shows a smiling Jackson with his famous afro mingling with the other students. A far different person than the one he would eventually become. So what happened?

"I think in all his life Michael never had a childhood. It looks like he tried to recreate a childhood for himself," Simpson said.

He would be picked up every day after dinner to go rehearse with the Jackson 5.

"His father Joe Jackson was very strict -- he didn't give him any leeway," Simpson noted. "One day, Michael got in trouble, not a big thing, but Joe Jackson came to the office furious and started yelling at him. You could see that Michael was very intimidated by his father. My uncle (who was the principal then) had to intervene to calm things down."

But Jackson was very close to his mother Katherine. "He idolized her. She was the saint."

By MARIE-JOELLE PARENT www.torontosun.com


Michael's guitarist in Bucharest

Lisa's interview with Oprah (oct 2010)


Mary Vogt costume designer of Men In Black II talks about Michael

Mary Vogt, costume designer of Men In Black II, talks about her experience working with the King of Pop. He had a cameo appearance in the film, and this is Mary's story:

KB: Did you guys know, when you started the movie, that he was going to be in the movie?

MV: No, Not at all. I think it was his idea actually; I don't know for sure. You'd have to ask Barry Sonnenfeld, but I'm pretty sure that he had asked to be in it because he was a fan of the first movie, and this was the sequel. It was Sony Pictures, and he had his music deal at Sony, so he has a lot of Sony contacts and when they contacted Barry, he was like “Oh yeah! That would be great!” They were all excited that he wanted to be involved in this movie.

KB: When they told you he was going to be in it, what was your reaction?

MV: I just thought it was great; I was sorry that it was just a cameo! I was hoping that he would have, like, a part! But it was just strictly a one-day cameo. But I was so excited about it.

KB: When you got the word, did you call him for his sizes? How did you get his sizes so you could create the garment?

MV: Well, you know, I am sure you've dealt with actors who are super, super busy and I knew there was no way I was ever going to get a fitting with him. So, we contacted his agent, and of course they give you these sizes that are not really sizes, they're more like clues instead of sizes… When you know what people's measurements should be, and you get this stuff like, a human being could never possibly have these measurements… So I knew that those were completely wrong. I knew that he had a designer that he'd been working with for like thirty years (Michael Bush), and I thought, “Well, if anyone's gonna know, he's gonna know…” At the time I think he was out of the country; I had trouble getting in touch with him. I knew that Rick Baker had body casts of him; it turned out to be a little bit of a hunt to find his sizes. Another designer had just done something with him where he made suits, and I found out where those suits were made. And, yeah. So it was a little bit of detective work! Michael's designer contacted me, a couple weeks later, and then we pieced together sizes. I was able to hire a body double that we did the fittings on.

KB: So tell me about when you met him – was it the day he was supposed to work? And then you had to fit him that day?

MV: Yeah, exactly, it was like the day he was going to work, and I had the suit and the shirt and the shoes and the whole thing. And it was on the Sony lot, and he had a trailer, just like a normal Starwaggon, nothing special. He had one security guard, and he knew I was coming – it was just me, because we didn't want to crowd his trailer with a whole lot of people – so it was just me, and his outfit, and the security guard let me in. And like, he was there, in like sweatpants and a robe, and you know how they have these like little small kitchens in those motor homes? He was at the table, making sandwiches! And there were these two kids, like little kids, his kids, and they were coloring. It was like the most perfectly normal family scene you could ever imagine. I never thought that his kids would be there, for one thing, because he was working. And I never expected for him to be making them sandwiches! I was expecting something, I guess, a little more elaborate! Or a little more bizarre…?

KB: (laughs)

MV: And he was just like, “Oh Hi! – Oh, you have my suit?” And he was like, “Oh, I'll put it on!”, and so he went to the back of the trailer and put it on. I had pre-tied the tie, you know, velcroed it in the back so that he, well he's probably used to stage clothes that are already pre-rigged, and so… everything was fine. He said that he wanted to keep the clothes, and I just said, “Fine!” I'm sure everyone expected that. And then he went out and shot the scene, and it was just him shooting against a green screen. I think it took a couple of hours. And then, that was the end of it!

It was really interesting because he was really quiet, more concerned with the kids' lunch than anything else. A phone call came in about music, a business call, and he suddenly, completely changed. He was then a very efficient person, you know, efficient voice and it was just all business, like a Wall Street stock trader or something. You could really see how he was, a businessman. It was very interesting.

KB: Yeah. I mean, when you think about the superstars you've worked with in your lifetime, he's gotta be up there in the top!

MV: Oh, definitely.

KB: We're very privileged.

MV: Yes, I had worked with Sting, this was way in the beginning, like a million years ago, I was an assistant to Bob Ringwood on Dune. I didn't even know who Sting was, and I was filling out his stuff, and I said, “Sting, what's your last name?”

KB: (laughs)

MV: I needed it for the customs! He goes, “What?!” And then he gave me like his real name, Gordon Sumner. But I have found that working with sort-of the big stars, it's always a maze to get to them, you have to go through all of these people, and then when you finally get to them, they're usually, like, very nice. But accommodating them is tough, because you really feel like time is ticking, is at a premium. You have to be very efficient.

KB: This has been great Mary. But unfortunately here at my house, somebody has decided to turn on their leaf-blower so I am having some trouble recording this conversation!!

MV: (muffled laughing) That's basically the story, anyway! The clothes (suits) were very simple, they were like tailored, and we made a million of them. But the fact that he was so nice, and so, you know, unaffected, which is interesting… he was just a very nice person! You know, making sandwiches for his kids.

KB: Well it's a great story. Thank you so much for sharing this, Mary!!

Thank you, Mary, for your time and for sharing your story about costume icon Michael Jackson. I look forward to talking with you in the future about more of your fabulous work!

Halloween 2010

michael jackson


Michael Jackson's Vision' DVD Boxed Set Available Everywhere Monday November 22


Deluxe Boxed Set Features 4 1/2 Hours of Content Across Three DVDs Showcasing More Than 40 Videos In Newly Restored Color and Remastered Audio "Michael Jackson's Vision" Available Everywhere Monday, November 22

In collaboration with the Estate of Michael Jackson, Epic/Legacy Recordings is releasing Michael Jackson's Vision on November 22, making available for the first time ever the entire library of short films produced by Michael Jackson during his career as a solo artist.
Packaged as a deluxe boxed set, Michael Jackson's Vision contains more than four-and-one-half hours of content across three DVDs, capturing the entire spectrum of Michael's pioneering short films that transformed the entertainment industry with timeless, pop culture classics that today's youth embrace with as much passion as their parents did a generation earlier.

michael jackson

Michael Jackson's Vision brings together more than 40 videos, ten of them previously unavailable on DVD and each presented in newly restored color and remastered audio. And this release marks the debut of the short film for the R. Kelly-penned "One More Chance."
The simultaneous emergence of MTV as a television force and Michael Jackson's breakout as a global superstar provided the most epochal musical/cultural shift since the Beatles. Seizing the potential of MTV's 24-hour reach, Michael Jackson produced and starred in a series of what would become iconic short musical films that redefined and established the perimeters, and parameters, of an entire new medium.
Jackson's short-form zombie dance party masterpiece, "Thriller," famously directed by John Landis, remains a cultural phenomenon. It recently became the first (and only) music video to be inducted by the Library of Congress into the National Film Registry, an elite collection of only a few hundred films.

Michael Jackson's Vision includes the full-length versions of the John Landis-directed "Thriller" and “Black or White” as well as the classic “Bad” directed by Academy Award ®-winning filmmaker Martin Scorsese. Also included in the boxed set are Michael's collaborations with such other noted film directors as John Singleton, Spike Lee and David Fincher as well as “Ghosts,” his rarely-seen collaboration with special effects legend Stan Winston.
Michael Jackson's Vision will be available in a limited edition deluxe boxed set featuring a 60-page glossy hard-bound book that includes behind-the-scenes photos from Michael's personal archives.
The state-of-the-art packaging includes cover art using lenticular virtual imaging technology to vividly represent memorable scenes from Michael Jackson's signature short films.

Michael Jackson's Vision
1 Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough 4:12:00
Director: Nick Saxton
2 Rock With You 3:22:00
Director: Bruce Gowers
3 She's Out of My Life 3:35:00
Director: Bruce Gowers
4 Billie Jean 4:54:00
Director: Steve Barron
5 Beat It 4:57:00
Director: Bob Giraldi
6 Thriller 13:42:00
Director: John Landis
7 Bad 18:05:00
Director: Martin Scorsese
8 The Way You Make Me Feel 9:24:00
Director: Joe Pytka
9 Man In the Mirror 5:03:00
Director: Don Wilson
10 Dirty Diana 5:05:00
Director: Joe Pytka
11 Smooth Criminal 9:27:00
Director: Colin Chilvers
12 Another Part of Me 4:45:00
Director: Patrick T. Kelly
13 Speed Demon 10:08:00
Director: Will Vinton
14 Come Together 5:40:00
Director: Jerry Kramer & Colin Chilvers
15 Leave Me Alone 4:36:00
Director: Jim Blashfield and Paul Diener
16 Liberian Girl 5:34:00
Director: Jim Yukich
Total Disc 1 112:29:00 (01:52:29)
1 Black or White 11:01:00
Director: John Landis
2 Remember The Time 9:16:00
Director: John Singleton
3 In the Closet 6:05:00
Director: Herb Ritts
4 Jam 7:59:00
Director: David Nelson
5 Heal The World 7:32:00
Director: Joe Pytka
6 Give In To Me 5:29:00
Director: Andy Morahan
7 Who Is It 6:34:00
Director: David Fincher
8 Will You Be There 5:55:00
Director: Vincent Paterson
9 Gone Too Soon 3:38:00
Director: Bill DiCicco
10 Scream 4:47:00
Director: Mark Romanek
Janet Jackson appears courtesy of Virgin Records
11 Childhood 4:29:00
Director: Nicholas Brandt
12 You Are Not Alone 5:34:00
Director: Wayne Isham
13 Earth Song 6:44:00
Director: Nicholas Brandt
14 They Don't Care About Us 7:08:00
Director: Spike Lee
15 Stranger In Moskow 5:33:00
Director: Nicholas Brandt
16 Blood On The Dancefloor 5:27:00
Director: Michael Jackson & Vincent Patterson
17 Ghosts 3:58:00
Director: Stan Winston
18 You Rock My World 13:30:00
Director: Paul Hunter
19 Cry 4:57:00
Director: Nick Brandt
Total Disc 2 125:36:00 (2:05:36)
DISC 3 (Bonus Features)
1 Blame It On the Boogie - The Jacksons 3:32:00
2 Enjoy Yourself - The Jacksons 3:31:00
3 Can You Feel It - The Jacksons 9:37:00
4 Say Say Say - Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson 4:57:00
Director: Bob Giraldi
5 They Don't Care About Us - Prison version 4:52:00
Director: Spike Lee
6 Why? - 3T featuring Michael Jackson 4:33:00
7 One More Chance - previously unreleased 4:03:00
Total Disc 3 35:05:00

Oprah's visit in Encino sparks arguments


•  i will continue to do my best with my family. all i need is your love and support. i will never give up 10:24 PM Oct 12th  via web

•  Let our anger be the fuel that ignites our desire for truth, and keeps us unified on the road to justice for him. 10:22 PM Oct 12th  via web

•  i'm sorry for the delay. just trying to hold myself together 10:18 PM Oct 12th  via web

•  can you imagine how i feel. i'm angry 2 10:14 PM Oct 12th  via web

•  i know there are a lot of you out there upset and angry over this. i don't blame you 10:13 PM Oct 12th  via web

•  that was no coincidence 10:11 PM Oct 12th  via web

•  i can never forget when she had the show on pedophilia during the jury deliberation process in my brother's santa maria case. 10:10 PM Oct 12th  via web

•  in fact, she is the last person on earth he would want around his children 10:04 PM Oct 12th  via web

•  I know how Oprah feels about my brother and family. i also know that he would not have wanted this. 10:03 PM Oct 12th  via web

•  i had no prior knowledge this was going to happen. it was deliberately kept from me because they knew i would have tried to stop it 10:00 PM Oct 12th  via web

•  i found out Oprah was at our family home, my stomach ached and it still hasn't gone away 9:58 PM Oct 12th  via web

•  but i don't always agree with the choices they make. this is 1 of those times 9:55 PM Oct 12th  via web

•  1rst let me say that i love my mother and father. i am humbly grateful to have them as my parents 9:53 PM Oct 12th  via web

•  i know every 1 wants to know my position on the Oprah interview 9:49 PM Oct 12th  via web



And like expected, Negativity still makes the front page and positivity doesn't. It's so easy to throw stones from a distance.
Where's the press about the campaign for Uncovering MJ's name at Gardner Street School.  
TMZ of course, not to anyone's surprise constantly posts negativite things about MJ and my Grandma.
Why? Because our family divided is what sells newspapers. Some of us realize that and fight to unite, some of us don't and feed it
Guys, we are there, on the front lines,making sure my uncles legacy will last centuries. That is the big picture for me. That is my mission
I thank the many that did support us and gave us the trust and benefit of the doubt.
Guys. I can't say this enough. My grandma was there EVERYDAY during the trial, on camera and off. I know cause I was at Neverland with them
I moved to Neverland right before the trial to support my uncle. It was the least I could do for him. He was that amazing to me.

I saw him everyday before and after each day of court . I'll never forget that my Grandma was by his side the whole time.
To have some fans turn on my grandma like that really upsets me. At least give her the benefit of the doubt. You would for my uncle.
Sorry guys.. it's just that if you knew the love my uncle had for my Grandma, you would be feeling the same way.
We need to stay focused on all what MJ stood for. Love

I am so thankful that I was able to tell MJ how much I loved him & appreciated everything he did for me,3 months before he passed
My Grandma needs Ur support, not ur stones. My uncle looked up to her everyday. She was also my mom's role model. That's not a coincidence.
My uncle always said he has the best fans in the world and I know it. My uncle is not gone, he lives through you guys.

History is what people with the pen write. It then get's past down to each generation. I'm making sure people know the truth about my uncle.

I know my grandma is on the same page. Let the world know the real Mj, as only we knew him. The incredible person with a true heart of gold.
Thank you so much guys for listening and understanding. Gotta go for now. :-)




Details about the new show from Cirque de soleil dedicated to Michael

michael jackson


October 2-3 Montreal, QC – Bell Centre
October 7 Ottawa, ON – Scotiabank Place
October 12 Hamilton, ON – Copps Coliseum
October 15 Detroit, MI – Joe Louis Arena
October 18 London, ON – John Labatt Centre
October 21 Toronto, ON – Air Canada Centre
October 26 Winnipeg, MB – MTS Centre
October 29 Saskatoon, SK – Credit Union Centre
November 1 Edmonton, AB – Rexall Place
November 4 Vancouver, BC – Rogers Arena
November 9 Seattle, WA – KeyArena
November 18 Portland, OR – Rose Garden
November 29 Salt Lake City, UT – EnergySolutions Arena
December 3-11 Las Vegas, NV – Mandalay Bay Events Center


January 6 Denver, CO – Pepsi Center
January 10 Sacramento, CA – ARCO Arena
January 13 San Jose, CA – HP Pavillion at San Jose
January 18 Oakland, CA – Oracle Arena
January 21 San Diego, CA – Valley View Casino Center
January 24 Anaheim, CA – Honda Center
January 27 Los Angeles, CA – STAPLES Center
February 10 Houston, TX – Toyota Center
March 2 Miami, FL – AmericanAirlines Arena
March 24 Quebec City, QC – Colisée Pepsi
April 3 New York, NY – Madison Square Garden
April 10 Philadelphia, PA – Wells Fargo Center
June 29 Atlanta, GA – Philips Arena


michael jackson
Exclusive Teaser and Song to be Unveiled on MichaelJackson.com

The much anticipated album of newly completed recordings from Michael Jackson entitled MICHAEL will be released in December 2010 by Epic Records in conjunction with the Estate of Michael Jackson. On Monday, November 8th the world premiere of “Breaking News,” a full track from the album, will stream on the site for one week only.

The creative process never stopped for the King of Pop who was always planning for his next album; unbeknownst to many fans around the world Michael Jackson was writing and recording songs continuously everywhere from a friend's home in New Jersey to studios in Las Vegas and Los Angeles with a small group of handpicked collaborators. Now, through the unique stories that will be told about the songs that comprise MICHAEL, fans will get mind-blowing insight into how this artist worked and a chance to hear the songs he most recently created along with tracks that Michael had a desire to bring to fruition.

“Breaking News,” a never heard before song by Michael that appears on the new album was recorded in New Jersey in 2007 and recently brought to completion. Fans can begin pre-ordering the album on www.michaeljackson.com in the next 24 hours.

The attached image of the album cover of MICHAEL was created by painter Kadir Nelson in 2009. In the oil painting, Kadir – who is known for story telling through his art – takes us on a journey through some key moments and important people in Michael Jackson's life.

Stay tuned for the worldwide launch of the official first single from MICHAEL later this month.



The official website where you can listen the song


Teddy Riley talking about the album- Listen from 1:33 h

Radio Giant unplugged

Breaking News: Official Michael Jackson Estate Statement

There is nothing more important to the Estate than Michael's music, his legacy and his fans.

As the Michael album was being put together, it was decided to bring Teddy Riley on board to work on several songs, including “Breaking News,” a song Michael recorded with Eddie Cascio and James Porte in late 2007 while living at the Cascio family home with his children. Riley produced and submitted “Breaking News” to Sony for inclusion on the album. At that time, no one ever mentioned that the vocals we heard on the Cascio songs, which were basically in demo format, might not be Michael. It was known, however, that the background vocals were a combination of Michael and James Porte.

After the tracks were submitted to Sony, three of these Cascio songs were selected to be on the album, and “Breaking News” was one of the three. The day after the submission and selection of the album tracks, for the very first time, the authenticity of Michael's vocals on the Cascio tracks was questioned.

Because of these questions, I was immediately asked by co-Executors John Branca and John McClain to conduct an investigation regarding the authenticity of the lead vocals on the Cascio tracks.

Six of Michael's former producers and engineers who had worked with Michael over the past 30 years – Bruce Swedien, Matt Forger, Stewart Brawley, Michael Prince, Dr. Freeze and Teddy Riley – were all invited to a listening session to hear the raw vocals of the Cascio tracks in question. All of these persons listened to the a cappella versions of the vocals on the Cascio tracks being considered for inclusion on the album, so they could give an opinion as to whether or not the lead vocals were sung by Michael. They all confirmed that the vocal was definitely Michael.

Michael's musical director and piano player on many of his records over a 20-year period, Greg Phillinganes, played on a Cascio track being produced for the album, and said the voice was definitely Michael's. Dorian Holley, who was Michael's vocal director for his solo tours for 20 plus years (including the O2 Concert Tour) and is seen in the This Is It film, listened to the Cascio tracks and told me the lead vocal was Michael Jackson.

These are all engineers, producers and musicians who worked on tours and/or in the studio with Michael when he was recording Bad, Thriller, Off The Wall, Dangerous, Invincible, HIStory and Blood On The Dance Floor, and they all reconfirmed their belief that the lead vocals were Michael's voice on the Cascio tracks.

The Estate then retained one of the best-known forensic musicologists in the nation to listen to the vocals without any instrumental accompaniment (“a cappella”), and to compare them with a cappella vocals from previous Michael songs. This expert performed waveform analysis, an objective scientific test used to determine audio authenticity, on the Cascio tracks, as well as previously released tracks with Michael's voice, and reported that ALL of the lead vocals analyzed (which included Cascio tracks) were the voice of Michael Jackson.

Sony Music conducted their own investigation by hiring yet a second well-respected forensic musicologist who also compared the a cappella lead vocals from Cascio tracks against previously released vocals of Michael's, and found that it was Michael's voice on all sets of the raw vocals. The Cascio tracks were also played for two very prominent persons in the music industry who played crucial roles in Michael's career. Both of these individuals believed that the lead vocals were Michael's.

Just to be absolutely certain, I also contacted Jason Malachi, a young singer who some persons had wrongfully alleged was a “soundalike” singer that was hired to sing on the Cascio tracks, and I confirmed that he had no involvement with this project whatsoever.

Sony decided that, given the overwhelming objective evidence resulting from the exhaustive investigations outlined above, they wanted to release a record that included three of the Cascio-Porte tracks – because they believed, without reservation, that the lead vocal on all of those tracks were sung by Michael Jackson.

Although there still seem to be concerns being expressed in some quarters about the authenticity of the lead vocals, notwithstanding the opinion of those who worked with Michael, and two independent forensic analysts, ultimately, Michael's fans will be the judges of these songs, as they always are. We take all fan comments very seriously, and as I'd stated above, there is nothing more important to the Estate than Michael's music, his legacy and his fans.

Michael's fans are extraordinary in their quest for accuracy and their passions to raise their voices in a search for truth! We join with them in our care and concern for Michael. We are continuing to follow up with those who have worked in the studio or on tours with Michael, and if any new information comes to light, we will keep you and the fans advised.

Howard Weitzman, Esq.
Attorney for the Estate Of Michael Jackson
Santa Monica, CA


MICHAEL Album Track Listing Unveiled

The first official single from the forthcoming Michael Jackson album MICHAEL will be released globally on Monday, November 15th at 12:01am EST. The song entitled “Hold My Hand” will be unveiled on www.michaeljackson.com and for sale digitally thereafter.

“Hold My Hand”, a duet with Akon, is a song they recorded in 2007. A handwritten note from Michael belonging to his Estate indicated his desire that “Hold My Hand” be the first single on his next project. However, in its unfinished state, the song leaked out in 2008. Akon recently completed the new and final production of “Hold My Hand.”

Akon comments, “The world was not ready to hear ‘Hold My Hand' when it leaked a couple years ago. We were devastated about it. But its time has definitely come; now in its final state, it has become an incredible, beautiful, anthemic song. I'm so proud to have had the chance to work with Michael, one of my all time idols.”

On December 14th, Epic Records in conjunction with the Estate of Michael Jackson, will release the much-anticipated new album MICHAEL. The album contains ten tracks, produced by an esteemed group of producers along with Michael Jackson. While primarily focused on songs that Michael worked on recently, there are also earlier compelling tracks.

MICHAEL is the first release in nine years of new material by one of music's most beloved icons whose artistry continues to touch new generations of fans. The album marks another release under the new agreement between the Estate of Michael Jackson and Sony Music announced in March that continues the label's 35-year relationship with Michael and his music. During that time, Michael sold hundreds of millions of records, had 13 #1 singles and released the pop culture phenomenon “Thriller,” which remains music's all-time bestselling album with more than 100 million copies sold worldwide.


1. Hold My Hand (Duet with Akon)
2. Hollywood Tonight
3. Keep Your Head Up
4. (I Like) The Way You Love Me
5. Monster (Featuring 50 Cent)
6. Best Of Joy
7. Breaking News
8. (I Can't Make It) Another Day (Featuring Lenny Kravitz)
9. Behind The Mask
10. Much Too Soon
