I think now it is the moment for a lot of so called fans to realise that they don't love Michael anymore and that they behave with him like he is just a cartoon.
i met a lot of "fans" who thought that being objective means talking bad about Mike all the time...finding all his mistakes.reality check:he is just a human,a very sweet,gentle and talented person,but a human none of the less.that's what makes him special-he is just like us and still so much better.because he wants that...because he wants to be a model for us ...to show us that if you want to be a better person it is in your power...that you can bring your dreams closer...
i am forced to say this after the last stupidity that we,the fans,did:Michael was mobed in front of his hotel in London...not a pretty image ...i hope that we are here to love him and support him not to hurt him...like the press did...or Gavin...or some of his former employees...
if we want him closer,if we really love him and his music we should learn to respect him and control ourself.
and if you can't do then better stay at home...
he gives us so much and he is so nice with everybody...